Make Bill Fall In Love With You (2)

"By the time the wedding banquet ends tomorrow, Bill will be completely mine."

Becky was delighted. He stroked his beard and smiled.


In the princess's bedroom, a group of tailor servants was busy helping Shuni change. They were trying on gorgeous wedding clothes, choosing one for tomorrow's event.

Shuni looked at herself in the mirror and asked shyly, "How about this?"


"Her Highness is beautiful no matter what she wears."

The servants hurriedly flattered her.

"… You guys say that every time."

Shuni was helpless to their praises.

She turned to the side and showed this set of clothes to her close friends who were also members of the royal family. She asked curiously, "What do you think?"

"This is too thick. It looks too conservative."

"I think you can wear something more revealing. It would be a sense of accomplishment to use your chest to attract Master Bill's gaze during the wedding banquet."