Picking Up The Pail And Running Away (1)

(TL Note: In China, many of the staff workers tend to stay in dorms around the workplace, and hence have to buy pails/large buckets to use for their washing of clothes. The title talks about how those workers, when fed up with their work conditions, would just throw all their items into said pail and make a run for it.)

Zhou Jing quickly took off his clothes and took down a bottle of medicine from the shelf. He poured out the ointment and smeared it on his body.

This was a homemade potion used to change one's body odor. As a high-level pharmacist, concocting such a potion was child's play. He came up with the formula within two months.

Through Little Black #1's sense of smell, he repeatedly tested the effects. Now, the disguise effect of the "Scent Change" potion was already very outstanding. Even the dog could not recognize him after he put it on.