Hell Bound

For as long as Adam Park could remember, he struggled with perhaps the greatest mystery known to mankind: girls.

No matter how much he tried, he could never get a girl to like him.

During middle school, he was rejected at the school playground by many crushes.

In high school, too many girls to count had turned down his offer to go to the school dance with him.

Now as a twenty-three-year-old man nearing the end of his college journey, he considered himself quite the connoisseur and collector of lines such as "Oh, sorry, you're not my type" or "I'm busy, maybe we can hang out later?" or at its worst, the simplest and deadliest "Ew".

Rejection had become secondhand nature to Adam, and though many a lesser man would have burned under its harsh fires, he became stronger, forged in those horrible flames to come out with skin thicker than any armor and willpower beyond measure.

Even now, Adam listened to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey on blast in his car.

Because no matter how much Adam was rejected, he kept going forwards. He remembered a quote from his ol' dad that stuck with him: "It's only when you stay down after getting knocked down that you lose. As long as you stand back up, as long as you continue to put one foot in front of the other, you never lose."

That being said, Adam definitely did not feel like he was winning either.

Even now, Adam took a midnight drive around the outskirts of the city to clear his head after yet another girl, a classmate in his literature class, had rejected his offer to take her on a dinner date.

What was it that placed this curse of hopeless virginity on him?

He had tried everything he could think of to try and fix this, asking his far more successful friends what they did.

"Just lift bro." "Get a clean haircut." "Dress better." "Be confident."

He heard generic advice over and over again, and he did follow it. He went above and beyond it, actually. He worked out and kept in shape and he tried to be social and friendly. He kept his fashion sense up to date and even learned women's fashion to try and get an in with the girls. Hell, he even learned how to cook pretty darn well because he heard from someone that the best way to get to a woman's heart was through her stomach.

But though he could make friends with girls, he could never, ever get a girlfriend.

It was not like he was tremendously ugly, either. No handsome model to be sure, but not a complete gremlin either.

And yet, nothing worked.

Was this simply his destined fate? To wander the friendzone eternally as many a hermit had done before him?

Adam sighed as he stared ahead at the dark road. He liked the night, its cool, calming darkness, and the city outskirts bordered a natural reserve forest that provided a scenic backdrop for a nighttime drive.

Oddly, though, Adam saw that there were no cars around him. Not entirely odd considering it was midnight and this was the city outskirts, but even then, there should have been at least one or two cars.

Instead, there was just pure, almost uneasy emptiness.

A sense of loneliness started to settle in Adam's heart, but he shook his head, put his chin back up, and pushed past it.

Don't stop believing.

That was when he saw something that made his eyes almost pop out of his head in surprise.

There she was.

A girl straight out of a modeling magazine, no, even better than that, limping by the side of the road.

Adam braked to an abrupt halt, stopping his car at the road's edge a dozen meters away from the girl. His car's headlights lit her up like a spotlight, and damn, he realized that no, she was better than any model.

Long model legs, a perfect hourglass figure with hips that swayed from side to side with a swaggering allure that practically begged Adam's eyes to linger on them, to admire the roundness of her nearly bare bubble butt.

As she held one of her arms at the elbow, she pushed her chest together, accentuating the curvature of her breasts. Her figure and unblemished, perfect pale skin was laid bare for all the world to see because the only thing she wore was a revealing bra and high-waisted underwear made out of flickering, smoky darkness.

Her face had refined, elegant features that Adam imagined would have belonged to the ideal image of a noble princess back in the old days with luscious, long hair that flowed down from her head to her back in an inky stream of black.

That was when Adam's lower head calmed down a little bit to make him realize that she was out of this world in a completely different way too.

She was not human.

Large, serrated horns jutted from the sides of her head. Her eyes were a glowing crimson red with slit black pupils. Her panting mouth was lined with sharp fangs. Bloody red and black wings sprouted from her back and a long, thin tail ending in a heart-shaped point flitted from her butt.

A…a demon? That was the first word that came into Adam's head to describe her.

The tempting demoness raised her head and squinted her eyes as she looked into Adam's headlights, and that was when Adam realized she was injured. She held her arm because there were large, deep gashes clawed out into it, causing blood to flow out in a stream that dripped to the asphalt below, painting it red.

Adam thought about getting out and helping her, but that thought was immediately squashed when he saw the trees of the nature reserve behind her start shaking. From the trees, a giant ass werewolf tumbled out, snarling and snapping at the air.

And as the werewolf's rabid gaze settled on Adam's care, Adam could sense the monster's killing intent.

"Holy sh*t!" said Adam as he immediately revved up the engine of his car to reverse, but the werewolf was upon him, lunging at the car and grabbing it by the front, its huge claws digging into the metal of the cheap thing and tearing at it with groaning echoes.

Adrenaline blasted through Adam, and he realized if the werewolf was not going to let him reverse out, the only way out was by going forwards. He shifted his car out of reverse and slammed a foot on the accelerator, surprising the werewolf by crashing straight into it and driving the oversized mutt right into a tree.

He felt the impact of the car crash smash into him, whipping him back into his seat with jarring force. Because his car was cheap and sh*tty, the defunct airbags did not save him. His head hang limp by the side, his neck broken fatally.

That was when Adam's consciousness started to fade, the distorted chorus of "Don't Stop Believing" still blasting into his hears from his car's busted audio.

Of all the songs to listen to while dying it was this one, huh. Ironic, considering so many years of believing had never amounted to anything for him, especially not in the dating sphere.

Was this how he was going to die, though? Being a virgin who had never felt a woman's touch?

With his last few conscious memories, he saw the demoness tearing off the driver's seat door and staring at his broken, bloody body with pity.

"Thank you," she said. She shook her pretty face. "You are the first human that has ever shown me kindness, and I want to repay your kindness. I cannot heal you, but what I can do is make your death gentler."

She drew her face close to the side of Adam's head, and her intoxicatingly sweet scent drifted into his nose as her breath caressed his sensitive ear. "I can take the pain away. I can give you pleasure~"

She drew back, looking at Adam with a flirty smile. She put a soft, warm hand to his cheek, caressing it before she suddenly placed her dark red lips on his, closing her eyes in a deep, passionate kiss.

Adam closed his eyes too - because only a psycho would keep their eyes open in a kiss - as he felt her soft warm lips. All the pain in his body eased away as he felt a rush of pure pleasure seep into his body in warm jolts.

'Hell yeah! At least I get my first kiss before I die. With a ten out of ten like this girl too!' thought Adam as the numbing, almost anesthetic pleasure filled up every inch of his body.

A sudden bonus thought assailed him. 'Hold up, if I get kissed by a demon, do I go to hell? If demons exist, then hell must exist too, right?'


Adam found it hard to keep thinking, his mind drifting into darkness atop a raft of ecstatic pleasure.

'Well whatever. If hell is filled with hot demon girls like these, then off to hell I go,' were his final, resolute thoughts, rejecting the good lord and the heavens above, because damn it, it was not like they had done anything for Adam so far.