
Adam woke up with a start, sucking in a deep breath as he clutched at his neck instinctively. All he saw was darkness around him and in the distance, he could hear the muffled bumping of heavy bass and muted music that would have made trying to sleep a nightmare had Adam not been knocked out.

Was he…was he in Hell?

'Damn, so my personal Hell is having to listen to college parties blast music all the time, huh?' thought Adam.

Parties that were full of people that found love and passion that he had never once been able to share.

Wait no.

Adam sat up and realized he was in his own bed. He stared to his side at his desk where he had left his computer open on a manuscript for a book he was trying to write. A graveyard of lined up and emptied energy drinks stood at attention. The struggles of studying for a literature major that had no job prospects.

Yeah, this depressing place was definitely his room. This place that had only seen crushed writing dreams and never once the warmth of a woman's presence.

"Was it all a dream?" mumbled Adam as he massaged a dull headache, remembering the crazy events of the night.

"Mmm, awake already, my chosen?" came a sleepy woman's voice.

"Yeah," said Adam casually before he realized that to have a woman in this room, let alone his bed, was a fundamental violation of nature and all that was good.

"Hold up!" shouted Adam as he leaped out of his bed, the blankets falling to the floor with his sudden, explosive movement.

The falling blankets revealed the demoness from before. She was still clad in her revealing underwear of solidified darkness, but the nasty claw marks in her arm had healed up completely.

"Ahh~" She stretched lazily, curling her toes, arching her back, and letting out a soft moan as her tail flitted from side to side.

Even her stretches were sexy as hell, literally, but Adam, though he did have a healthy lower brain, followed the wise philosophy of not allowing his little head to make decisions for him. And, surprisingly, he found it relatively easy to do, keeping his eyes dead set on hers without ever lingering to her bare skin, breasts, or butt.

Had Adam been a hermit in his previous life? That would explain so much.

"Who, what, why are you?" said Adam, stumbling with his words.

The demoness rolled over her to her stomach and laid her head on her arms, revealing the curvature of her athletic bubble butt. "You are my Bond and soon to be husband, and together, we will come to rule Hell as its king and queen.

What else is there to know? Come now, warm your dear wife's bed for her."

She flitted out a forked, snake-like tongue and patted empty space on the bed beside her with her tail, wiggling her butt in inviting display.

Adam felt his heart beat quicker again, but he took in a deep breath and looked down to try and channel his inner zen to resist the beauty before him.

Which was when he realized he was completely buck naked too.

Immediately, Adam covered his junk with his hands and stepped backwards.

"Sh*t, I didn't know I was naked. Sorry," began Adam in a panic, still used to talking with human women that by now would most definitely would have reported him for sexual harassment.

"Hm? Why are you sorry?" said the demoness. She licked her lips. "You're working with something quite nice. And it is the body of my beloved. There is no need to be ashamed of it."

Adam almost let a tear of joy slip. What man would not feel pride at having their sub-commander praised like this? Especially by an otherworldly beauty?

But calm washed over Adam, and he felt his lust dim, forcibly quenched by a strange force.

"Aww, no fun~" said the demoness. "Your succubus resistance kicked in."

"Succubus resistance?" Adam looked at her. "So, logically, that means you're a succubus?"


Adam knew the general stories about succubi. How they sneaked up on unsuspecting men and drained them of all their life energy, dooming them to death by pleasure. He was not ashamed to admit that he did not find that fate all too bad, but that was besides the point here.

"Don't succubi drain life force from men or something? I'm just food to you, then," said Adam as he got a towel from his closet and whipped it around his waist to protect his modesty.

He knew, knowing that this woman was a succubus, he should have felt some sense of danger from the demon girl, but he did not.

Instead, he strangely felt comfortable with her, and he could sense that it was not because he was being charmed. There was some kind of bond between them that he could not quite place, something that made him feel close to her in such a way there was

Adam stretched out his arms, feeling light and energetic. "But I feel just fine. Aside from this headache, I actually feel better than ever before. And I thought I was dead?

The succubus sat up on the bed with crossed legs and a fanged smile. "I have not drained your essence. And even if I tried, I don't think I would be able to keep up. Here, I'll stop teasing and start explaining now.

You are not dead because I saved you."

"Saved me?" asked Adam. "I thought you couldn't do anything for me. That's why you kissed me."

The demoness clutched her hands to her cheeks and squirmed like a maiden in love. "Ahh, my first real kiss. Bringing that up now my husband, oh, how embarrassing!"

"First kiss? Aren't you a succubus?" Adam was confused. Weren't succubi the incarnations of lust or something? He highly, highly doubted any of them had no experience in the matters of the flesh.

"Oh, my dear husband, did you think I would grant my body to anybody? I, Leila, daughter of Lilith, one of the queens of Hell? No, no, no!" Leila stared at Adam with wide, almost wild eyes, and he felt like prey caught in the gaze of a predator ready to gobble him up whole. "I know the lustful sins of man, yes, but do you think I, a princess, would ever stoop so low to gather them with my own body?

No, I bind men, sometimes women, under magic, locking them into dreams fueled by their own degenerate fantasies. I drain the essence that comes from those dreams they imprison themselves in, not from their bodies.

My own body, I leave for the one I am to wed, and that is you, my worthy husband.

I left Hell to prove to mother I could find a worthy husband, and finally, finally, after sifting through so much unworthy trash, I have found you, my dear, my love, my everything!"

Leila closed her eyes and drew Adam's pillow to her face, taking in his scent as she shuddered in pleasure.

"I swear to you, my husband, that I will not hesitate to rip and tear anyone or anything that gets in our way," said Leila with a content purr.

Adam also shuddered, but in nervousness, not pleasure. He knew of the yandere character archetype, but this was the first time he was seeing it firsthand.

It was intimidating to say the least, but Adam was up to the challenge. If he was never going to have a chance with human women, then he was fully resolved to go down the path of demonic love, regardless of how crazy it got!

Especially considering he had never ever had a chance with ordinary women, and hell, what was the point of trying to date ordinary girls that hated him if he already had a beauty like this all over him?

Leila put the pillow down and took in a breath, calming herself, switching from manic love to an almost noble disposition in a near instant. "You must be still confused, my dear.

When you killed that little mutt of a werewolf, I knew you were special.

When I first left Hell, I was curious of humans. I tried to talk to them and see how they were. But either they lose their minds lusting after me or the ones with magic try to hunt me down and kill me.

I was not given a single ounce of the proper respect I deserved as a princess, hmph!" Leila flitted her head back and lifted her chin up in haughty pose. She looked at Adam with gentle eyes, though.

"But you, my dear, were willing to give your life for me, even when I had not charmed you. That alone made me realize you were different. Different in a way that made me feel strangely...warm."

Adam nodded slowly, not saying anything because technically, he had not tried to save her, he had just tried to save his own dumbass and gotten killed for it. But he was not dense enough to know that would be horrible to say here.

"Because of that," continued Leila. "I was willing to give you my first kiss, if only to soothe the pain of death, but when I tasted your lips, I knew you were special."

You are a bearer of the Lust Gene."

"Lust Gene…?" said Adam. He started to realize that even though it was still night and his room was pitch black, he could still see perfectly.

The succubus nodded. "I have glimpsed into your memories, so I know you are a writer of stories and a reader of many tales. Then you are familiar with the typical hero, right? The one that gets all the women, who slaughters armies, who makes things right."

"Sounds like the main character of a typical wish-fulfilment story, yeah," said Adam.

The succubus nodded and continued her explanation. "Humans individually are weak, but all of them have dormant Genes that can make them heroes capable of enormous feats of strength.

Precious few ever awaken them, however.

There are many Genes. The Strength Gene awakens great physical power. The Magic Gene great mystical prowess. And so on. All of these Genes are parts of a greater whole that express the Hero.

But you, my husband, bear the Lust Gene, the trait of the Hero that inevitably binds lovers to him. It has been part of you your entire life."

Adam laughed. "Yeah right. My whole life, no girl has ever wanted me. Fat chance I have some kind of magic chick magnet aura."

"Oh, of course. No lowly, pitiful little human girl could ever appreciate you," said the succubus as she waved her hand, shooing away in her mind crowds of unworthy human women. "You do not possess an ordinary Lust Gene. You bear a corrupted variant of the Lust Gene that makes you, every part of you, your smell, your touch, your lips, absolutely irresistible to demons and monsters alike.

It grants you resistance to our charms, making those that bear the Gene like you the perfect ones to slay us, and indeed, in the past, those that bore your gene made the perfect Demon Hunters.

But that same Gene makes you repulsive to any human woman. No matter how much you change yourself to appeal to them, those disgusting swine will never accept you."

"So that's what it was," said Adam as he let the revelation that all the countless hours he had spent trying to appeal to women had all been completely useless, doomed to failure from the start.

"And because you bore an active Gene, your body is far sturdier, far more capable of taking in magic than the ordinary man. On top of this, when I touched you, I sensed our physical compatibility was incredibly high.

Thus, I was able to heal you by splitting half of my heart and implanting it in you. An ordinary, lesser man's body would have crumbled to dust under the sudden influx of mana," said Leila.

"Wait, what?" Adam touched his chest and felt that it was cold. He went to his bathroom and checked the mirror. His eyes widened as he saw a large black splotch where his heart was.

Visible, bulging veins pulsated across the dark flesh.

That was when he realized that his eyes were a shade of deep, crimson red. The same as Leila's. His mouth, open in surprise, showed sharp, fanged teeth.

His body was the most different. He had always been in shape to try and impress women, but though he looked fit, it was not anything super remarkable. Not to mention he was five foot nine (175 cm), so even if he packed on muscle, it was hard to look big.

Now, though, Adam looked big. Imposing, even. The curvature of large, round muscles clung to his frame, and he had almost no body fat to boot, making every single muscle pop out. He even had freaking eight pack Hollywood abs to boot.

He was also taller, though not by much. Maybe an extra inch or two? (~178-180 cm)

More importantly, though, his face had gotten more sculpted. Sharper jawline, sharper features, and generally a more handsome, rugged and fierce look.

Leila appeared behind him in the bathroom and she embraced Adam from behind, her soft hands sensually running down the lines of his abdominal muscles before stopping right at his waist, dangerously close to reaching into his towel.

"A succubus will share the pleasures of the flesh with many, but only to a single being does she grant her heart. With my heart with you, we are Bound, our fates and destinies tied. If I fall, you fall, and if you fall, I fall," said Leila solemnly.

She then resumed her seductive tone of voice as she gently grazed Adam's skin with her soft fingers. "Do you like it, my dear? This new, strong body that you can hold me down with? This demonic body that will soon be worthy to take a seat upon the royal echelons of Hell?"

"It's nice, yeah," said Adam as he flexed his bicep in appreciation of his newfound bulk. "But what I'm most grateful about is that you saved my life. You were a stranger to me, but you were still willing to ease my pain and even share your heart with me. I know we had just met, but still, thanks for caring about me, Leila.

It's a shame no human had ever treated you with respect, because damn, you really do deserve it."

He turned his head back to Leila and gave her a bright smile.

A faint tint of a rosy blush flowered across her pale cheeks, and she let go of Adam and rubbed her hands shyly together, looking away from him.

"I-it's nothing," said Leila. "A basic duty of a devoted wife to protect her husband!"

Adam blinked, a little confused. Leila seemed so sexually and sensually aware, and yet, at the same time, she seemed so easily embarrassed.

Was she this unused to being praised? Or being genuinely appreciated?

"A-anyways," said Leila. "This should explain more to you, now that there is some magic in you. Close your eyes and try to feel as if you are looking inside of yourself. Your Power Matrix should appear before you then, and there, you will know your status."

Adam followed what Leila said, looking into himself, and in the darkness of his vision, a status screen appeared.


True Name: Adam Park

Race: Cambion [Young]


Strength - 10

Agility - 8

Vitality - 12

Mana - 5

Luck: - 1


[Lust Gene (Corrupted)]

Type: Passive

Skill Rank: B

A skill that denotes that the user is a bearer of an awakened bloodline power known as the Lust Gene. The Lust Gene will cause the bearer's body and being to become highly desirable for those capable of bearing attraction for them.

In this case, the Lust Gene is (Corrupted), indicating that the bearer's Lust Gene works only among inhuman species that are classified as Succubi or variants of Succubi. In addition, this skill grants resistance to Succubi based charms and abilities.

At the rank of B, every aspect of the bearer, their scent, their touch, and their bodily fluids will be extremely nourishing and tempting to Succubi. Charms from Succubi below the absolute highest tier of demon will have little to no effect on the skill bearer.

[Demonic Core (Cambion)]

Type: Passive

Skill Rank: D

A skill that denotes possession of a 'Demonic' type beast core. Grants access to the natural beast skills of Magic Resistance and Surge. In addition, this also grants access to demonic racial abilities specific to the type of demon.

In the bearer's case, as a Cambion that is part human, part incubus, their demonic abilities are weakened.

At the rank of D, the bearer is capable of sensing negative emotions, hypnotizing individuals and creating temporary illusions.

[Magic Resistance]

Type: Passive

Rank: E

A skill denoting resistance to magic.

At the rank of E, hostile magic of the E-rank and below are nullified. Certain magics such as the anti-demon magic of the Holy Church may ignore this skill.


Type: Active

Skill Rank: E

A skill possessed by all inhuman kind that regulate mana through their cores. When activated, it is possible surge a mana throughout the body, heavily enhancing its physical capabilities.

At the rank of E, it is possible to temporarily add +5 to the strength, agility, and vitality stats at maximum output

[Heart of Primordial Clay]

Type: Passive

Skill Rank: D

A skill denoting that one possesses a heart fashioned from Primordial Clay, the essence of creation spoken of in genesis from which the first man and woman were created. This skill grants regenerative ability and, in higher ranks, the capacity to shapeshift.

At the rank of D, this skill grants regenerative ability capable of restoring a lost limb in the span of a day.