
Adam coughed out dust and debris as he waved his hand in front of him, clearing out a cloud of driven up dirt. He squinted as he saw a smoking hot crater where the demon girl was. She stood there still wagging her tail happy as happy could be.

Shattered shards of the golden orb from the alpha werewolf floated down all around her, and this time, they did not reform, instead breaking down further into nothingness. A sort of quiet calm descended around the forest, the trees growing stiller, the wind halting, and the chirping of insects stopping, as if to mourn the loss of one so attuned with nature.

Not that Adam really cared, though. The guy was a grade-A asshole.

Now then, this left Adam to deal with the new girl. He could tell immediately that she was strong. Significantly stronger than he was now, stronger even than Leila, though even Adam could tell that Leila was still getting back to her old strength.

"So, what do you want from me?" asked Adam.

"What do I want from you?" repeated the girl as she cocked her head and made an innocent thinking face, putting one of her paws to her chin. She then suddenly disappeared with high speed movement, and Adam immediately used [Surge] to harden his muscles and protect himself from incoming attack.

Adam found himself skidding through the dirt, hit by a strong tackle, but his instinctive use of [Surge] had protected his body.

"You wanna fight-," began Adam, preparing to attack. However, he calmed down when he realized that…the girl was hugging him!?

The wolf girl was on top of him, powerful legs straddling his sides, locking him in place while she hugged him with her arms and rubbed her face on his chest with an expression of pure, closed-eyed bliss. Her black tail wagged a hundred miles a minute in happiness.

"I want you!" said the girl.

"O-okay?" said Adam. "Let's start slow here. What's your name?"

"My name? I've had a lot of ones, but the easiest one is Nia!"

"Okay, Nia, can I breathe?" said Adam while wheezing.

"Oh, sorry!" said Nia as she let go of Adam, though she still remained straddled on top of him, her hips positioned quite strategically to threaten his sub-commander with her every movement.

"I'll just warn you now, I already have a Bond," said Adam.

"Mhm, I know!" said Nia. "But you're a demon, right? Demons always have lots of mates! Your Bond is your main, but I'm fine with being just with you! I just want you! You calm me down a lot!"

Nia put her head down to Adam's neck, sniffing it and then licking him with energy, then strangely seductively, her tongue tickling his ear, though her expression remained innocently happy.

"Is it because of my Lust Gene?" said Adam.

"Huh? I don't know anything about that, but maybe!" said Nia. "I have this, erm, I have this curse that makes me want to kill. It makes me want to kill really, really badly! I want to rip and tear everything until it's all done! But with you, I feel calm. I feel like myself for once!"

"I see," said Adam. He cupped Nia's cheeks in his hands, squishing them cutely, and she rubbed her face against him. She was…astoundingly cute, that was to be sure, and even Adam felt difficulty resisting giving her the best head known to man and demonkind. "How did you know who I was? How I was here?"

"I'm an assassin!" said Nia non-chalantly. "I take contracts from all kinds of beings to kill things. There was this important demon that wanted me to kill you! Bird demon, I think. She gave me some of your hair to track you, but once I smelled you, I knew I needed you!

She talked to me again and told me not to hunt you, but I couldn't help myself! I needed to see you!"

"Oh," said Adam. He knew that Raum had wanted to get rid of him before meeting him herself, and it seemed that she had hired some help. Though in the end, Raum had gone through it by herself and had tried to cancel Nia from taking the hit on Adam.

Evidently, Nia had ignored Raum. He could only imagine how annoyed the ever tired, quick to anger crow demon had gotten.

"Well then, Nia," said Adam. "I'm sorry to say, but I don't think I can say yes to you. My Bond wants me and me only."

"But-but…" Nia looked at Adam with wide. "I can help you! The goldie isn't super dead yet. I blew up just one of his cores. If you want to blow up all of them, you need my magic, and I can use it for you! And, and, and, um, if you want, I can kill, too!

Kill anyone you want. Kill them all. Rip them apart limb by limb. Tear their throats and let them bleed out. I can do all that easy peasy!"

Adam's heart almost melted at her puppy eyes, but he resisted and thought about this rationally. He could not ignore that Nia was an incredible asset. If he could have it his way, he would take Nia and watch over her for a bit to see how trustworthy she was.

Though Adam considered himself a good judge of character, and he could not sense a hint of deception inside of Nia. She just had pure innocence and honesty that severely contrasted with how comfortable she was with brutalizing and killing.

It…made Adam a little sad, honestly. He wondered whether Nia's innocence had been marred by killing so much, but then again, she was not human. Maybe it was just part of who she was.

Beyond that, though, Nia was an incredible potential ally. She was strong, and Adam and Leila needed as many powerful allies as possible to win Walpurgis Night. This golden werewolf guy was not even dead, and he had to go too because he was a potential competitor.

Not to mention that if the golden werewolf was on the lower end of the totem pole for Walpurgis Night competitors, then Adam was in no position to reject any potential help.

There was also another thing. Now that this girl was directly touching Adam, he could feel a heat rising within him. And no, it was not his little brother standing to action because he could resist being horny when he needed to.

It was the same kind of heat he felt in his heart when he felt like he was at the cusp of a breakthrough to unlock his powers.

There was something about Nia that was integral to boosting Adam's strength even further, but what it was, he did not know just yet.

But would Leila ever accept this girl?

Before Adam could think about this too deeply, he felt Leila's presence coming. Or rather, her sheer killing intent. He could feel a heaviness in the air, as if the humidity had spiked, and he felt a hot weight bearing down on him.

This was Leila, all right.

Adam was going to say something to Nia, but she sensed the danger herself. Nia's ears pricked up as did her tail.

"Time to hide!" said Nia. She got off of Adam and in mid-air, her body turned into a silhouette of black storm clouds. The clouds shrunk down and faded away, revealing what looked like a regular old black furred dog.

A small, puppy-like dog.

This was Nia, all right, but her magical aura had completely changed, making her unrecognizable via magical sensing alone. Nia scampered out and hid in a bush.

Leila barged through the forest at high speeds, her wings fanned out to her sides as black fire raged around one of her arms while she held the limp corpse of a silver werewolf in her other hand. She scowled as she looked around for threats before looking at Adam on the ground.

Leila's scowl immediately turned upside down into a bright smile and Adam suffered yet another demon girl tackle as Leila dropped her werewolf corpse and slammed right into Adam, giving him another hug.

"Darling~! You're okay!" said Leila. "What am I saying? Of course you are okay! You are my darling, after all!"

"Oof," said Adam as he felt the wind knocked out of him from a high-impact hug for the second time that night.