The Prophecy

Isaiah was still looking at this prophecy in front of him. He felt like a matted dog as he paced in circles. Could he find out what it means and how Kadin happened to be at the center? Why did it have to be Kadin's responsibility? As if on cue for generations down the line. He walked to his grandfather.

Think about finding out how your relative; is connected with a prophecy you have no control over—scared of not knowing what fate would bring them. In all honesty, you would want to know if your destiny were to cause death. Kadin watched his great-great-grandfather as he rummaged through countless papers.

A glass of rum sat on his desk as he looked for something to prove Kadin's written demise. Isaiah was about to lose his temper and search for the answers to save his grandson. He looked at his grandson. "Something you need, young one?" He asked Kadin.

The young lycan parted his lips. He wondered why Isaiah was so stressed out, "Is it the prophecy, grandpa Isaiah?" He questioned his grandfather.

Isaiah stays calm on the topic. He said. "Kid, you don't need to fuss over the divination of the matter." He sighed.

Kadin could not comprehend his grandfather's motives for keeping this augur a secret. Which only piqued Kadin's interest more. Isaiah told his grandson to get some sleep. Kadin nodded and walked to his room, where Harley was waiting for him.

Harley played with Phoebe as Kadin walked in. "Hello, Kadin." She smiled at him. Phoebe's eyes lit up with her older brother's presence in the room. Kadin couldn't help but grin at his sister and girlfriend.

Kadin sat on his bed. "Hi, love. Would you like to go on a family trip? My dad said we would be leaving in a day or so." He told her. Harley nodded excitedly at his question: she smiled and showed her fangs.

He smiled back at her. Phoebe walked to her room as Jack came up to put her to bed. He smiled at the couple as he walked up to his son's door. "Good night, kids." He told them.

They smiled and told him good night. Jack walked away as his mind drifted off into the memories of his wife. Jack missed her deeply. Shadows of her silhouette danced on the walls.

Cascading the dream that will only happen once a year. Kadin had to bring back his mother for one day. It was bound to happen soon. His mom was going to appear in three days. That night the blood moon could bring her back permanently. That is whether the family hoped to have their loved one back.

Julie looked at Tyrell as he slept on her lap. She had to move some of his hair out of his face. Jack told her and Raphael about bringing their aunt back. She smiled at the thought of seeing her aunt Kelly again. Their father's younger sister.

Their dad, Kellin August, is a fighter and a protector of his family. Kellin knows that if he is not there for his sister's resurrection. He would miss his only chance of getting his sister back. Back to flesh, blood, and bone.

Wanting; his sister back. His family is his world and means everything to him. He's raised his children to fight for family. It doesn't matter if they are blood or not. He is a fighter professionally, but it can be illegal for a mundane to set foot in a fighting ring. This marked fighting ring is hidden; from the mundane's mind but not from sight.

The fighting ring can also secrete supernatural abilities and looks: so humans do not see them for what they are. The mortals can only see the fighters as humans. Kellin is fighting to get his sister's life back.

Joel told the vampire king that Kadin was supposed to bring his mom back from beyond the grave. Cole was the only one to know that the prophecy was to partake on the night of the blood moon.

Cole knows that this prophecy could kill Kadin. Cole wasn't going to let that happen to his daughter's mate. It may seem crazy dumb: but he would be willing to trade places with Kadin.

He smiled. "Hello, idea," Cole said as Joel looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "What idea, boss?" He asked his king. Cole couldn't help but grin wildly: he looked at Joel with a crazed look in his eyes. "I will switch places with Kadin." He nearly yelled.

Joel was confused. He's lost it. "Cole, what do you mean?" He questioned his boss. Cole growls at Joel. "What I mean is I'm going to save Harley's mate! The destiny he was given is to die; that isn't going to happen!" He snapped: his voice laced with venom.

The guard thought this through for a moment, "Boss has lost his mind." He told himself. Joel parted his lips. "What can I do my king?" He asked, "Also you sound completely insane. You know that sir." Joel said. Cole nodded in agreement.

The vampire king was hellbent on saving Kadin. He wanted: to show that he loved his family. Cole's willing to die to save his little girl's soulmate. He did not care what would happen to him these next few days. Him having the will to die for his family. Dying for love is a powerful thing.

Joel could not wrap his head around why the king was willing to die for a lycan.

They're sworn enemy.

Relive the bloodshed of the long-century war between vampires and lycanthropes. Cursed until a lycan and a vampire; are destined to be mates.

Joel's mind was clouded by thoughts: about helping those mongrels. The young vampire got in his head. "Watch what you say, Joel. Remember: your mate is a human." Harley announced to him.

Harley walked past them to her room. Harley's dad thought he saw the ghost of his wife walk past him.

He blinked twice and ran after his daughter. "What are you doing here?" He inquired about his daughter's presence in the castle. She didn't look at him. "I'm just getting some of my things, father." She answered his question.

He nodded as if she had eyes in the back of her head. She packed her bag as her dad wanted to talk to her but couldn't find the right words. Harley is about to leave. "I've accepted Kadin as your mate." He told his little girl.

Almost out the door: "He's going to die," Cole said. "In three days." Harley felt her heart drop. The fear of losing him was not okay.

She became shaky. "What..." Her voice became mute. Harley could not stop the hot tears from rolling down her pale cheeks.

Her father calmly spoke. "I know it wasn't something you wished to hear my dear." He told her. It felt like a dagger in her unbeating heart. She walked out as she dried her tears.

Kadin was waiting for her outside. His lips curled into a smile when he saw her. "Harls, what's going on?" He asked as he saw dried tears on her cheeks. Kadin's smile disappeared. "What did he do?" Kadin hissed.

Kadin thought her dad had done something to her. Clenching his fists but trying not to show his anger. "I will be right back, baby." Kadin kissed her forehead. He had walked: through the door with anger written all over his face.

Cole smiled. "Hi, son, something you need?" He asked the lycan. The young lycan punched him. "What did you do or say, old man?!" He yelled, rage radiating off his skin.

Joel got in between them. "Calm down, mutt!" He hollered at Kadin. Cole laughed, amused at this situation. "What is so damn funny?" The lycan barked at the ancient vampire.

He gathered himself together. "You amuse me, boy; the love you feel for my daughter is stronger than when we first met." He chuckles.

Kadin only glared at him. This burning feeling his mate was sad or even crying. Made him beyond pissed which was an understatement. The palms of his hands started dripping with blood.

He didn't have anything to say to her father, so he left. He grabs his girl by the hand and swang over her bag on his shoulder. Kissing the back of her hand. They walked under the twilight sky.

After last night's events, Cole thought it would be a wise decision to go to the magus society council. He wanted to have a word with the head honcho himself, Silas Draven.

He left before sunrise and made the journey within forty minutes. He was a little uneasy because Silas's right-hand man; would be at his side. After he completed his last mission that is.

Cole's heard some nasty tails about Felix the grim reaper. He wasn't too pleased to meet him in the flesh. After all, he is a lycan and a reaper. That can be a deadly combination. The council room doors opened.

Cole swallowed hard as he walked in. "Don't take this as a horrible encounter, but your nephew punched me in the face," Cole told the head. Felix couldn't help but chuckle. "This surprises you?" Felix asked as he was still laughing. Cole breathed out before continuing. "I'm sure your family is aware of this prophecy that's going around." He said.

Silas nodded his head. "Yes, what of it?" Silas asked the vampire in front of him. Felix looked him dead in the eye. Cole looked at Silas. "Kadin is destined to die in three days on the blood moon." He told them.

Felix froze like he saw something bone-chilling. The three supernatural beings stayed quiet for a while. Silas rose from his chair. "How do we stop this from happening?" His voice was dark.

Cole looked him directly in the eyes. "I can save him by trading my life for his." He said emotionless. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his daughter's happiness. To die so her mate would live for her. Bringing her happiness until she could reunite with her father's side.

He smiled at the thought of getting to meet his grandchildren before his daughter got to. Silas said something to him that he didn't quite pick up. "I'm sorry, what was that?" He asked. Silas sighed. "There may be another way, lord Cole." He said with a grin.

'What? How?' Where Cole's last thoughts before they were teleported somewhere unknown.