The Beginning “ Children of a jinxed life”.

Like a diamond in the sun light, her eyes twinkled with love at her bouncing baby boy. The love that held them together was amazing. With a kiss on the forehead her child fell soundly asleep...a mother keeps her baby in her arms in order for her heart to beat with a steady soothing melody.

She placed him in a rectangular slot among hundreds of other babies. All the mothers stood and look at there children one last time...soon after masked people by the names of Pathfinders came to collect the Rats in the boxes.

They put lids on top of each box. Unfortunate for the women they were to be blessed by a Father of the Church Order. There souls were prayed for and the Father said " Women of the Lord, you shall all receive the grace. Including free clean clothes and food... your children will all need to be baptized and receive blessings from the Quell Feather themselves".

There smiles were filled with joy and innocence. FIRE!

A round burst of bullets were fired at the women, the Father turned away and walked out as the Pathfinders burnt the women with hot lead. The boxes were stocked into the back of a truck, ready to be sold at the Body Box Traders (the biggest slave market in the area).

Man was once the most dominant being on earth, but everything changed when the Poler war cost them all there resources. Vegetarian, wild life, fertile soil.... all gone due to their nuclear weapons. The critical state of the planet forced them to take drastic measures. In order for them to survive the people began to commit the unthinkable....cannibalism, the forbidden act of feasting on fellow humans. Soon after the majority of the planet's population was slowly being pushed off the brink of extinction. From the ashes of distraction a group slowly emerged by the name of the Church Order.

With the knowledge of the situation they were in and there religious beliefs, they slowly built an empire that they called the Provincial Promised Land. As time passed by the Church Order believed all was going to be as the creator intended, many other survivers gathered together at the Provincial Promised Land lower borderlands. The city was built on the flattened summit of mount Salvia.

A large wall was erected to keep the outsiders away, the Church Order believed that the unclean nature of the humans deserved to be punished. With little food and a hot atmosphere, the Church Order constantly prayed for the creator to show mercy upon themselves.

With only one choice left the Church Order derived a plan that would ensure there survival. They trained elite soldiers by the names of Pathfinders and used them to search the lower lands for survivers. with the ideology of saying " the Lord has forgiven you for your sins...come and join the Promised land.

They did so only for the sake of food. When the survivers herd the Church Orders offers they weren't in a position to say no, plus it's not like they didn't see it as a blessing. The division of people in the Provical Promised land had began, with no food and only water to live off the weak outsiders died and the Church Order used there bodies for food. To not only feed themselves, but some of the survivers.

With time the survivers were given the title Rats, due to their filthy inhuman way of life and 93% of there population increase. With stronger and more intelligent Rats being born, there population sky rocketed to a 98%. The Church Order knew they would run out of food at that rate. So they formulated a plan to control the Rats... they were to breed simultaneously at a specific time and those that were not able to produce offspring were murdered by the Pathfinders.

The population reduced to a staggering 89%. Among the Church Order existed smaller a group known as the Quell Feather, they came up with another way to reduce the population which would also keep them entertained. At the center of the Provincial Promised Land they had the Rats build a massive coliseum with the bones of the dead... The Trench Cort... it's purpose was to be a battle ground in which the Rats would fight each other to the death for there own survival.

This promised land was transformed into a hell on earth.