Street Stress “ Beauty is seen by the eyes of those lacking

The Rat Nest, home to the rats of the Provincial Promised Land...located closet to the wall, it stretches all around the outermost area.

A young boy by the name of Jace was seated on a water pipe holding half of a lower jaw bone of a person. " Jace, what are you doing here again, your gonna get us in trouble with the Pathfinders... please leave", " Edison since when did I ever care what those freaks think, I'm really getting tired of you blabbing your guts out", Jace said as he waved his hand.

" Come on Edison let's head out... do something fun, you know like the good old days", " How funny, I don't remember any good old days, just you get us into trouble all the time.

That jaw bone, do you know whom it belonged to?", Edison asked with a little shiver in his voice. " Not really...I mean do we ever know know. I'm just getting pretty tired of finding bones at my side of the basement.

I'm the talk of the house hold, ' the Rat that can't eat meat, he's gonna starve, yes he is'. Yeah my life in that big fancy mansion is no different from here. But mom and dad are always watching ", Jace said sadly.

The young thirteen year old boy had a beautiful set of eyes, they had a variety of colors.

Jace's pocket watch clock struck 09:00

It was time for the Rats of the Quell Feather to return to their masters houses to await for further instructions.

Jace knowing the dangers of disobeying the Quell Feathers, chose to obey there rules. The massive Rat Nest was way too big to just run though, until the Providence. So he derived a way to get to his destinations faster, with the help of a large slingshot and a pulley, he would launch myself hundreds of feet into the air and use the flight mechanism he invented to safely glide to his destination;

It was a wooden box, equipte with retractable wings and a propeller on the top that was used to stabilize his body in the air. A tail fin to help balance and two nose openings that were used to help spine the propeller like a helicopter.

Within three minutes he crossed a distance that took a thirty minute run. He landed in the garden completely unnoticed, swiftly he made his may to the front yard. His goal; rush to the basement completely undetected.

With quick reflexes he rushed to the corner...he peeped to see if the front yard was clear, but the House masters were laughing and chatting by the door step.

This was a tight grip on Jace's he chose to use his other invention to enter the house from the third floor;

On both of his lower calfs were a set of spring propelling shoes that were triggered by a switches on the sides

He jumped to the window that was right above him, the room belonged to Mistress Rodney. She wasn't in the room at the time...Jace could have easily rushed to the basement, if it wasn't for the Mistress's diary being left wide open.

My bet was right once again. Damn those hot sexy men. Too busy flerting with those washed up sardines when they could be feasting on his big thick juicy Salmon.

The Regional assault bagged me another £500 000, maybe now I could get these lovelies to fall for me.

Anyways my Rats have reached there final days... I should get some new meat from the stash, I really like the one with the beautiful rainbow eyes.


Some footsteps stumped quickly towards the room, Jace panicked and rushed into the closest. " Father John, ohhhhh!, bless me with the holy spirit! I beg of you!", " this is going to be one you won't forget... Ohhhhh!", Father John the house priest said Mistress Rodney in the most disturbing way.

Jace covered his ears and waited for the noise stop, within a few minutes he checked if all was well... " Father! Yes More! More! More!", "There we go!", Father John yelled

" WHAT IN THE! ...FATHER JOHN!, RODNEY!", "Martha! For God's Sake leave us alone were almost done. I'm the only he hasn't passionated with yet!...", Mistresses argued.

The poor boy had to seat through the hall thing. After a couple of minutes the room was quite, Jace wondered weither it was safe to leave or not. He made a bold decision and walked out of the closet.

" Why hello there".