There are times when you make friends, and there are times when you lose then.

I never had experienced the feeling of losing a friend but on that day all I could say was that I was shocked.

A few days later,

"Where am I? Oh, what's with this nostalgic feeling, like am floating"

Then I heard a voice

"Shhh... Memory reconfiguration",

I instantly woke up,

As I turned to view who it was, I couldn't find anyone.

"Who was that?"

After regaining consciousness,

I numbness from my legs,

"How long was I out",

Moments later, my legs felt better,

Though, I found it strange that my legs healed a lot more than normal,

—Maybe it was due to the experiment.

I then looked out to check out what they did to my body,

But to my surprise, there wasn't any wound on,


The [men in white] came to my room saying,

"Number 102, you are requested"

As the [men in white] spoke, I could feel a shiver in awe, as I didn't know what was to happen,

Later on, after following the [men in white], I detected the direction in which they were going, which was,

{The play hall}

On the sight of the hall, I saw my friends who were all missing,

As I stepped forth in view of them, tear fell from my eyes,

— "Huh, why am I crying?"

Before I could move again,

Aria, who was the clingy type, ran forth to me as she hid behind his back,

Emotions came out as I cried, for the first time in my new life,

After a moment of heartfelt reunion, I started to notice 2 people were missing,

Phil and Lepus were missing

As I asked.

"Huh, where is Phil and Lepus?"

When I glanced at their eyes I noticed there wasn't a shed of emotion, their eyes was rather empty.

"Phil? Lepus?"

As I couldn't read any emotions from their eyes as we talked, I kept asking.

"I meant, did you guys see Phil and Lepus?"

"Who is Phil and Lepus?"

"Huh... I meant number 104 and 110".

"We don't have anyone like that".

And as I asked for the last time, I understood fully, they don't have any information about the two.

But, it was still weird that they would have suddenly lost memories of the two, did they wiped their memory, if so why wasn't mine wiped also?

I then ignored all those thoughts as finding what happened to Phil and Lepus was more important that something trivial.

As I searched all over the place, I couldn't find them on sight. Then I thought.

Maybe if I asked one of the men in white... Wait why would I ask them? They would surely ignore me straight up. But I have to try.

With those positive thoughts, I marched on to one of them standing at the door step and asked.

"Ehmm... I can't seem to find number 104 and 110, do you know where they are?"

The men in white glanced at me and paused.

'Why is he doing that?' I thought as his gaze was beginning to get intense.

After a short while, he responded.

"Number 104 and 110, were all disposed of, and memories of that was not supposed to remain in any of the test subjects after the memory wipe".

"So why do you remember?"

I instantly felt a huge shock of fear, as I heard they were disposed of.

Of course I knew that in such a facility things like that would be common but the pain of losing someone was unbearable.


Tears came running down my eyes, as I cried out loud. I knew crying over it would get me to nowhere, but I was in a pinch as the [men in white] was suspecting me.

My last resort was to cry over their death, even though it wasn't to mourn them, I knew I still had to mourn over them.

The [men in white] then noticed by tears and saying.

"Ahh... Why are you suddenly crying?"


I then increased the my voice crying out loud. Then came another [men in white] as he noticed my tears he glanced at the other guy.

"It wasn't me".

He said sighting that the other men in white was suspicious of him causing harm to me.



"Well, stop him from crying".


He then picked me up placing me in the middle of hall.

"Good boy".

As my tears reduced, the [men in white] went back to his post.

I then gazed in to the distance. Recalling all the moments I spent with Phil and Lepus


I see they were all disposed off.


I was saddened by the sudden dead of them


At night, after going to bed I recalled a time at my past life.


"Dear, you need to go to bed".

"No, I want mommy to read me the story".


"Hah, it seems that I can't convince you to sleep.

Okay, I would read you the princess story, so listen carefully".


"Once upon a time, in a kingdom faraway,

There lived a prin... Shhh...",



Upon waking, Blu noticed he had bumped in to the wall in his sleep.

"Oww... That hurts".

After a short pause, he tried to recalled his dream but couldn't,


When was the last time I dreamt about my past life?


10 years later, after being brought into this world with no information about it.

*Sigh* where did the normal reincarnation sequence go to,

Well, now's not the time to give up hope.

— Let's go back a bit,

After phase 3, happened, and Phil and Lepus went missing,

I asked everyone about the missing two, but to their knowledge they don't know who they were, it was like their memories of them were wiped out.

But the strangest of it all was that,

— Why wasn't my memory wiped too?

Three years from that point onward, I was able to find some information about the facility.

At first it wasn't easy seeing we were watched all day, but being a former gamer in my past life proved helpful, as I used my experiences on sneaking up on enemy bases to get some entails.

There are 5 buildings in total.

First building is where we test subjects mostly stay,

It's security is mostly low

— Maybe they are not afraid of us getting away or thereabouts.

It's in two floors, the top floor is restricted, the doors to the top floor are locked,

'If only I could find the keys'.

The second building is where the play hall and medical room was, it's mostly where we are being kept during the day.

'Nothing much to expect from there'.

The third is where [men in white] are.

Security there is tight.

Fourth - unknown.

Fifth looks like a storage facility.

'Nothing much there'.

— Seems like escaping is a long way,

Well, I would just have to wait for a moment where I can slip into the [men in white] building,

On a miraculous night,

There was a snow storm coming,

Everyone that day had to prepare counter measures for the storm.

Being a former gamer, I instantly knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime to find out what this facility is about.