
"Coast is clear".

There I was outside of the building. I had waited for the coast to clear as my plans were.

To find the place where all information is being kept, which was the third building of the shelter.

"Thud... Opsie...".

Heading to the building, the men in white were standing guard on the building entrance, so I had to wait for a bit before I head inside.

As they all left the guard post, I headed into the building

*Thud, Thud*


I then opened the building door. It was much easier to open seen that it doesn't have any security lock on it

Arriving into the building,

There were a wide range of entries, 'opening all of them is going to be exhausting'.

— Seems like I would have to open the doors at random, no, that too would take time. Hmm... Why don't I just search for any door that amuses me.

*Thud, Thud*

After a while, I noticed the [men in white] in their numbers standing next to a door. I instantly knew that whatever was behind the door was something important.

'Looks like I would have to wait for them to leave'.

I then waited to see if they would move to his surprise they didn't move.

— Tsk, looks like they aren't letting anyone pass through.

It was more like they were robots, I then had to distract them.


I then dipped my hands into my pocket and noticed some toys were kept there

'Huh! When did those get here?'

Instantly I was hit with an inspiration.

Using the toys I had from the play hall, I could create a diversion that would draw their attention.

'I never knew they could come in handy, in such times. Toys are really a cluster of all children's inspiration'.

With the help of the toy I successful created a distraction luring the two men in white away for a while.

*Thud, Thud*

Swiftly I rushed to open the door,

It had a small screen on the side, which was different from the rest.



As I tried to open the door, it was to no avail.

I took to notice a key was needed to open the door.

The door would normally open after scanning, but a pass key was needed for this door.

'This is a problem. The only place I think of in getting a pass key would be from the [men in white], but if I leave this place now I don't think I would be able get back in... Ahh...'.


I then heard footsteps while pondering.


The sound became louder. Instantly I noticed it was the [men in white] guarding the door.

'It seems like, there're back'.

"if only I had a pass key".

I murmured.


A sound was heard, with a voice whispering into my ears.

"Who's that?"

As I turned to see who it was. I noticed it was Aria.

My heart skipped out of fear as she was the least expected person to follow me.

"What are you doing here?"

And since when did you follow me?",

How comes I didn't notice her all this while.

"Here, key",

She stretched her hands out, as she held a pass key on her hands.

I was confused.


But as I heard the voices of the [men in white] arriving from the stairways, I unconsciously held her hands and opened the door.



Immediately I rushed into the room.

I then noticed it was dark. While I held on tightly while hugging Aria.

On adjusting my eyes to the darkness, I could see her smiling with a grin on her face,

'Huh, why is she smiling? Anyways, stop over thinking things'.

While I patted her head, I smiled thanking Aria for her wonderful safe.

"well done, good job",

Her eyes glittered, with a blissful expression.

Instantly, I then moved on to identify what was in the room, I found papers on the desk, tagged as top secret files with the information on the top saying.


[Project Valk]


Opening the file I detected,

Test subjects details and results.

Most of what I examined was scribbled information on the experiment details, on sight of the details.

I could feel sick from just looking at what the details were, but the most important was that.

[Project Valk] was designed to create humans from mana, just as powerful as the monster called [Klaur]. After 50 years of research, the creation of the first was successful, tag named Alpha, subject No. 55.

Due to the unstable nature of the subject, he was disposed off.

Unstable nature found to be lack of a link with mana core, after 5 years.

Establishing of link started with subject No. 90

The project continued to bring out more powerful subjects.

As Aria sighted my hidden disgust with the file details. She quickly hugged me, on the feeling of being hugged I felt relieved.

— To my knowledge, this is not the world of swords and magic I use to dream about.

*Thud, Thud*

After a while, I heard footsteps behind the door. It sounded like another person was walking through the hall.

On placing my ears closely to the walls.


A huge blaring sounds was sent off throughout the whole facility.


A few minutes before the blare, West front security tower, Area 02.


The wind gushed, sending pieces of snowflake in the air.

"It's cold".

There stood one of the [men in white] standing at the top of the tower, with a white gun on his back, as he shivered while observed the area beyond the walls.

"It's always cold, so what's the use in saying it?"

Beside him was another [men in white] dressed in the same way.

"No that's not what I meant".

"Then what?"

"Its just too cold this time".

"Ohh... Maybe its from the snow storm ahead


"Yeah, they said there is going to be a huge one tonight".

"I didnt hear about that".

"Well, you've been here since so maybe that's why".

"Wait! what's the time?"

"Its a few minutes to twelve midnight".

"Hah... I gotta go my shifts going to end soon".

"Huh! Why not wait till it ends".

"No, no, no, I have morning duties tomorrow and I don't want to be late, so I gotta go to bed early".


*Thud, Thud*

The men in white then strode out.


While stepping out he looked back and noticed a bright light pushing forth from beyond the walls for a few seconds.


After the light shined he noticed the tower was cut in half, without a single trace left.

He instantly knew it was an attack. As he glanced at the location which the light came from. It was blurry as it was covered with snow lingering in the air.


As the wind then dispersed the snow, he noticed a few number of 'Klaurs'.

Immediately he reached out to the headquarters via radio communications.

"Shhh... This is west front security tower... Shhh... We... Shhh... are under attack".


As he glances at the klaurs again and noticed—it wasn't just a few klaur but hundreds of klaur.

He was shocked by the sudden development, as he had never before seen such number of klaurs. He was utterly dumbfounded.

Then came a radio response.

At that time,

{Main Security Tower Of Area: 02}

In the main watch room of the tower, a report was given in on radio,

*Radio conversation*

"This is west front security tower...... Shhh

We.. Shh... We... Are under attack"

Respond: Shhh... This is the main tower, state your situation... Shhh...

"West... front is being... Shhhh.....attacked by Klaus.... Shhh... Numbers.... Shhh... Shhh... they are in hundreds......",

Respond: Shhh... West front do you copy... Shhh... west front.

He then pushed the red button on distress, sending a message to all shelters


A huge blare, warning off the attack of the monsters [klaur], saved us from being found out,

[This is the main tower, all units available should continue on to reinforce the west front,

I repeat all units to the west front,

West front is under attack]