{Middle of nowhere}

The next day, Aria met Kyrie.

It was morning as the sun rose, shining on its beautiful light rays upon the snowy desert.

The snow piled up on the trees, as it fell, leaving a short sound.


Waking up was Aria, as she recalled all that happened.

— When was the last time I slept?

"hmm... It looks like you're full of energy today".

Kyrie said as she stood beside Aria's face

"You're too close".

She said pushing Kyrie away.

— Does she not know personal space?

Aria suspected as she didn't expect to wake up close to Kyrie.

Kyrie stood up and said.

"We have a long day ahead of us.

So for now, let's make breakfast before we head out".

— Breakfast?

Aria was puzzled by her statement, as she couldn't understand what she meant by'making breakfast'.

As Kyrie glanced at Aria, she said.

"Huh, maybe it's because you're a [lost], that's why you don't know about it".

"Well, for now we are making [Snow Quash soup]".

Aria was still confused.

"Well, don't sweat the important stuffs and just follow me, am sure we can find loads of it next to the stream across".

Kyrie then moved to a nearby ice stream, as Aria followed her.

On following her, she observed her picking up some white round fruits from under the snow piles, as Aria asked.

What are you doing?

Well, snow quash mostly grows under snow piles next to an ice stream, because of the higher temperatures due to the sun and water level it can get. The ice stream mostly indicates the temperature of the area—the more fresher water, the higher the temperature.

Kyrie then glanced, and smiled at Aria as she said.

"I guess you understand now".

Aria then nodded, and headed to find some [snow Quash].

After a while, Aria and Kyrie returned with a bag of [snow quash].

Aria then seated in anticipation of what she might make.

Kyrie, on the other hand, smiled, knowing she was cooking for someone.

She then started the fire, and brought out a pot.

Aria then observed carefully, as she filled the pot halfway through, then picked up the [snow quash], cutting it into mini pieces.

After cutting, she then brought out Eve, saying.

"Open storage".

"Tweet, tweet".

A blue box then appeared floating in the air. Kyrie placed her hand into it, brought out some extra ingredients, placing it into the pot.

After some moments of cooking, Kyrie then served the soup.

Aria glanced at the food, as the smell was pleasing to her, then she took a bite.

On tasting the soup, Aria tears came rushing, as she recalled the time she last ate with everyone, she then said.

"It's delicious".

Kyrie was worried as she asked.

Why are you crying?

Aria said.

"It's nothing. It's just, I remembered the time I last had something this delicious".

Kyrie the smiled saying

"Am glad you enjoyed it, there is more if you want seconds".

Aria then nodded as she ate slowly.

Kyrie then pondered as she glanced at Aria crying.

— She must have been through alot before, well, maybe I would ask her about it later.

After eating, Kyrie stood up and said.

"Now it's time to head out".

Aria then moved to Blu as she aimed to carry him

Kyrie wondered for a while as she asked.

"How have you been carrying him?"

Aria replied bluntly.

"How? I simply carry him normally".

Concerned about them, Kyrie then said.

"I don't know what you think, but it's best not to carry him like that".

She then brought out Eve.

"Open storage".

A hole then appeared.

She glanced at Aria and said.

Here use this

Aria asked.

What's this?

Kyrie then said.

"It's a hyperspace storage.

It does not affect organic stuffs.

So you can keep him here".

Aria replied.


After putting Blu into the hyperspace, they then headed to the base.


Some hours later,

Ambling down the snow hills, they arrived at a clear area with no trees.

Kyrie then pondered as she stopped

— Huh! Why are there no trees here?

As she glanced in front, she noticed a figure.

Worried over what that is, she then strode towards it.

On reaching there, she then observed.

— Ohh... It's just a tree.


They then heard sounds of a klaur.

Kyrie looked beyond the trees and detected klaur many in numbers.

She then said

"It seems like this was a trap".


She shouted, as Eve came out.

"Tweet, tweet".


Eve then glowed brightly. Then disappeared with lingering mana particles in the air.


After Eve disappeared, the sound of an amethyst weapon howled in the air, covered in a glowing green mana.

As the mana dissipated slowly, leaving lingering traces of mana. Appearing was a Scythe, its handle was shining white, with its emerald green blade piercing the air.

Aria was dazzled by the appearance of the weapon, as Kyrie clutched tightly dashing forth toward the klaur ahead.

{Area 02}

Meanwhile, at Area 02.

The rubles from the fallen buildings could be seen, as [men in white] were all investigating the remains of the buildings for clue.

*Whir... *

The sound of an airship was heard.

It was a commander-type ship with a flat V-shaped alien-like body and rocket propellers moving it forward.

As the [men in white] gazed upon as it landed on the snow.

The ships propellers changed positions, as it was observed blowing the snow away to make a path for landing, as the wind was filled with snow lingering in the air.


The sound door of the airship, as opened with stairs going down.

Stepping down the stairs was.

The Commander of the 1st division knight—Leader of the white wolves, Lena Melathia, in her usual wear.

On arrival, one of the [men in white] came rushing to her, saying.

"Captain... Hah...".

He then stopped to catch his breath.

After a few seconds, she said.

"What's the report?"

"We've found traces of blood belonging to one of the two test subjects".

He said as he brought out a glass tube sample of the blood.


She responded glaring on the sample.

Continuing, he said.

"But we don't know which one".

The captain then said.

"That's enough for now,

With only the blood, I can send out a search for them".

— Now I'm a step closer to getting favored by the Queen.

She pondered while smiling.