Chapter 249: The Drakar Part 4

A bloody pile of bones and rotting meat not far from Aron only confirmed his suspicions that it was the Drakar's dwelling.

'Good, there's no need to change plans then.' He grinned with satisfaction before his eyes started to shift hue.

[ Aspect: Scholopedera; Camouflage]

His entire body started to gradually meld with the environment after the shift in eye color, eventually becoming almost invisible.

After finishing, he even took off his metallic boots and fastened them to his belt to lessen the noise he created when moving.

Only after that did he begin moving toward the cave's exterior; fortunately, no Drakar were present in that specific den.

This didn't surprise him given how many he had killed.

When he finally reached the exit, he was met by an incredible sight: every one of the numerous, sizable blue mountains that surrounded the little region had been extensively caved in.