Chapter 250: The Drakar Part 5

Only a fleeting glance from Aron, who was climbing up to another cave, was directed toward the departing Drakar.

Much time passed—roughly close to a day in Pesian time—and Aron was just planting the last of the runed sheets in a cave many meters away from the one he began from.

I couldn't have expected this type of living environment, and there weren't enough sheets. But they should still be adequate.

After giving it some thought, he eventually left the den he was in and made his way back to the first cave without being seen.


When the walls began to quiver, Jin and the others' intense boredom with waiting quickly ended.

As they turned to confront what would have appeared to be a dead end, they noticed the earth shifting to make a passageway that Aron rapidly crossed before immediately shutting it again.

"How nice of you to finally return."