Chapter 287: Aron Vs The Komi Of The South Part 3



As Aron yelled, "invoke!" the ground below the enemy army began to tremble and shake. Suddenly, spikes erupted from the ground, impaling the southern Komi as they were lifted into the air.


Chaos ensued as the enemy army was caught off guard, some desperately trying to dodge the spikes while others were skewered on them, their blood splattering in all directions.


Lgar and Kasil were caught in the midst of it all, and both suffered serious injuries from the spikes. Lgar had several protruding from his rhinoceros-like hide, while Kasil had one through his right shoulder.


However, they refused to back down and continued to fight, using their horns and powerful legs to attack Aron. Seeing their people killed so brutally was both shocking and anger inducing. However, this wasn't their first battle and they wouldn't let that stop them.