Chapter 5: A New Journey

The main hatch opens and before leaving, John looks one last time at the computer, raising his hand in a gesture of farewell. Then the hatch closes behind him. For a few seconds, look around. What he sees he does not like. The gray sky, added to the destruction that surrounds it, causes in him a deep sense of loneliness, confusion, and sadness. He cannot capture the totality of the events that led the world to that state, however what he sees generates great pain that in his soul becomes an urgent need to know the reason that leads humans to destroy the place where they live, they feed and shelter.

"Are these the consequences of the war?" he wonders. How can you be so cruel?

He starts walking, goes down to the mountainside and as he enters the thicket of a larch forest, he hears the footsteps of someone running at full speed, then the voice of a person calling for help.

"Help! - It is the voice of a teenager, she is getting closer and closer, she turns to look but it is too late; the collision is inevitable"

"Look where you're going!" says John

"Excuse me! -She says... if I don't run they will... go... right... excuse me... I must go!" When you try to continue your career, a robot out of nowhere surprises you by opening the earth with a single blow with its drill hands.

"We got you!" Said the subject who was guiding him, holding the girl with the force of his robot's arm, while the other two thugs approach

"We finally caught you! Daughter of the master of the world! - John, witness to these events, walks determinedly towards the mysterious men, full of curiosity:"

"How? ... Daughter of the master of the world? ..."

"Do not meddle in this, or believe me it will weigh you down! In case you don't know, we are "The Sons of War." At that moment John remembers the words on the computer: "The sons of war," murderers seeking to shape the world according to their own ideals."

"They told me they are murderers! -He risks saying."

"You haven't been informed very well." We are here to change the world that the father of this girl destroyed. The daughter of the master of the world!

"But look what a surprise!" says one of the men on board a robot, while stroking the hair of the girl who does not stop shaking, and very sure of his victory he proposes with a big smile - Friends! What if we kill her right now and then send the remains to her father? I bet the boss will be pleased!"

"The moment is very tense, John looks from one to the other trying to anticipate any movement, and just when the robot's hand reaches out and takes the young woman's arm."

"I won't allow it! - shouts defiantly"

"Are you stupid or what, kid? Didn't we tell you who we are?"

"For that very reason! - John says, and with an accurate blow of his sword he detaches the robot's arm that until now held the girl's, drags it over the rocks and destroys it completely. The emboldened visitors, far from facing him, turn on the thrusters of their transports and flee at high speed without looking back."

The young woman, stunned, and still trembling with fear, approaches her savior, while shaking the dust from her clothes.

"Who are you?"

"My name is John. They won't bother you from now on, believe me. They are not brave at all, they only dare with beings weaker than themselves."

"No, you just have no idea who they are!" They will return, and with an army! They do not understand reasons, other than those of violence! They think they own the world!

"I'll take care of that when it happens; now I have to get to Neo Genova, you know how?"

"No, I have only heard that it is to the south and that nobody knows how to get there."

With that very brief and not at all clear explanation, John, goes down the mountain and heads south. It's all you can do at the moment. He had already walked a hundred meters when he notices that the young woman is following him at a short distance. He stops and turns to her who also stops a bit embarrassed.

"I can go with you? - She asks timidly. John, feel for a few seconds how an internal fire wins his cheeks, and a feeling of tenderness wins his will. He fears it will be of little benefit to take her with him. The dangers will be latent at all times and you must take care of it; however it says:"

"Of course, why not? But at least tell me what should I call you!"

"Lorraine, thank you for allowing me to accompany you!"

Just then, John pauses for a few seconds to contemplate the young woman in front of him. She is really very attractive, with her big honey eyes and brown hair in a braid. She is not very tall, but nevertheless her small figure shows agility and grace in her movements.

-You do not have to thank me. Those vandals said you are the daughter of the world's master, right?

"Yes ... unfortunately." After the war, everyone wants to banish my father, they accuse him of destroying this planet - he says while walking next to him.

- And is that so? - Lorraine does not respond, however John perceives that he is telling the truth. Better not inquire for the moment, he thinks.

- They walk through narrow paths, among the wild vegetation that at times intertwines, preventing them from passing, so John presses the blue light on his watch and asks for a machete, a primitive machete, ideal for those purposes.

"He thought I owe you an explanation," Lorraine says, after a long distance of walking in silence. My father takes refuge in a bunker many meters below the surface of the earth and well guarded, cared for and protected by almost a thousand well-trained soldiers. The place is secret and impenetrable, but not for me. I knew how to escape from that place and I was heading to my mother's house when they found me. And you, John, why are you going to Neo Genova?

"I'm looking for a guy to help me find out the whereabouts of Max Roswell, my father; he is a scientist. I woke up in a laboratory and a machine told me that I have to find it. I don't even know how to classify myself. I need to be sure of who I am; Why can't I remember anything from the past If I am human I am supposed to have been born as such ... but what if I am not? I do not want to live tormented by this unknown. It is urgent that I find my father, to know what to expect."

"And why do you have that doubt?"

"For nothing ... thoughts that sometimes invade me"

"I understand that Max Roswell, your father, is the scientist who operates the Sky Breaker."

"Do you know him?"

"Not personally." But the government does. I can only tell you that he is seen as a traitor, based on what I have heard. Do not worry, I will help you find it and so it will answer your questions.