On earth, the radioactive arachnids that guarded the cave and were slaughtered by Gevura, are brought to Sky city to be cured.
"After a well deserved rest..." "We should go for the next emerald," John says.
-Very good, son, the next one is Hesed, mercy, we will go to look for it in the temples of the "seventh divinity" in Tibet. Be careful! That sect I created in the opposite of the tree of life, the tree of death.
John hopes he won't have too much trouble getting the emerald, but he understands that his father's advice is not without wisdom. The best thing is to take precautions and be careful.
As a precaution Max leaves them only one kilometer from the temple. Along the way, the uncertainty of knowing that strange religion grows with each step that John and his people take. In the distance they see the tower of white stones surrounded by fire. Without a doubt that is the place. The temple of the seventh divinity is before them.