Chapter 24: The Difficult Training of Master Urimatsu.

-I was afraid that the protectors would appear, you must be more careful, you are not yet in a position to face them, those who come are much more dangerous, says Max -You and your friends must visit Urimatsu, the old teacher who instructed me for war. He is the wisest in matters of defense and attack as well as war strategies. Come soon and pay close attention to each of his teachings.

Following the instructions of their father, they arrive at the island on whose hill a cabin built of logs and stones is located. An old man of short stature and a long dark beard divided into two braids, comes out to meet the group. John is the first to speak to him, explaining the reason for his presence and that of his friends.

- What do my students want to be? He says looking at each of them. -My young friends, tell me what is the purpose of this learning? He says, touching his beard.

-Restore the world with the power of the emeralds of the tree of life -answers John.