The System

I looked into the sky at the stars while I layed in the grass in my backyard and smoked a joint. It was a month after my graduation from highschool and I finally found a job as a stocker at a big warehouse store so I was feeling good. College wasn't for me, I sensed that there was another path…

"Cool," I said as I looked up at the full moon.




In a big city like Chicago you rarely get to see stars but you do get to see the full moons in all their glory and right now was such a time.

I don't remember when I fell asleep but I found myself on an island in the middle of the ocean like I always do. However I have been doing a lot of things like building stuff for myself. I must have forgotten to tell you that I'm an avid lucid dreamer and have been building on the island ever since I was five and I'm eighteen now so there's quite a lot here including a large fully furnished log cabin which has a master bedroom, a guest bedroom,

a gym, a library, and a potions lab.

I had spawned in on the shores of the island so I flew towards the cabin. In my dreams anything was possible even flight so this was normal.

As I got to the door of the log cabin I took out my keys from my left pocket and tapped the doorknob which made the door open.

Once I was inside my log cabin i got a call immediately as I sat down.



I took my phone out of my right pocket and looked at the Id, it was the same as always, it said unknown. I've dreamed of lots of people but everytime I bring it up they say that it's nice but it's not real but deep down I know something is going on here…

"Hello," I said as I picked up.

"You and only you have been chosen for the beta of the Dreamer System," said an expressionless voice.

The person hung up immediately after relaying that short message. Soon after words popped up in my line of vision…

Welcome to The Dreamer System!!!

Summary:This makes your dreams more stable and let's you interact with the Dream Dimension. You can learn skills and magic from those in the Dream Dimension and then use them in real life! You can also bring back items to real life as well, for a price of course. Lastly if you die here then you die in real life.

Please choose a class:

Knight, Ranger, Wizard, Monk, Priest, Assassin

"I wish there was a way I could pick all of them…," I whispered to myself.

Secret option has been chosen: Jack Of All Trades

It seems you have been born with a blessing:

|Loved By Mana| This increases your Mana Points

by ten percent every day.

|Natural| This makes it so that you can cast skills and magic without chants.

Here's your menu!!!






I clicked on stats first…


Name:Nom Woo


Class:Jack Of All Trades

Blessings:Loved By Mana, Natural







Vitality Points:0/0

Mana Points:10/10

After checking on my stats I was disappointed, I guess this is what I was born with. At least I had some Mana even though I didn't know any spells.

"Alright the first thing I need to do is get something to protect myself with," I said.

I went to the beach on the island and decided to try to develop a spell all by myself. The first thing to do was to visualize what I wanted to happen so I imagined a Lightning bolt in my hand…




Suddenly the lightning bolt came instantly to life in my hand then I threw it at a tree in the distant forest near the beach.


The lightning bolt exploded and then a basketball sized crater was left in the huge tree.

"Cool," I said.

When I tried to summon all the other elements they easily came to me. I had air, water, fire, earth, and lightning. It seems I was lucky because in the info tab the system said that only one in a million had five out of the seven elements.The other two were light and darkness and I yearned for them bad.

"You have awakened five out of the seven elements!!!," Said a voice.

"Who said that?," I asked.

"I am Tony your personal A.I assistant," said the voice.

As soon as he said that I got flashbacks to me as a kid having an imaginary friend named Tony. Then I remember starting to make an A.I and naming the project Tony.

"How come you came to life," I said.

"You created me in the Dream Dimension. It seems that your memory is lacking," said Tony.

"I did what," I said.

"Everyone forgets their dreams, it's only natural," replied Tony.

The next thing for me to do was to explore a bit, I decided to search the forest first to see what's there or if I can find a civilization on the island. When I looked at the map only my log cabin was displayed in the center in color and the rest of the map of the island was shourded in gray fog…

After recording more forest area on my map I finally came across what the system called a goblin. The goblin walked to a forest clearing and there was over a thousand of them. I followed them to a small human city on the outskirts of the huge forest. It was clear they planned to attack…

"This isn't going to end well," I whispered.

I decided to help the human city and I went to go warn them while the sun was still out, It looked like the goblins were going to attack at night.

When I got to the gates of the human city I saw that there were two guards atop the wall so I waved to them and introduced myself…

"Hi I'm Nom. There are over a thousand goblins out there in the forest and I think there going to attack," I yelled.

"I hope your not making this up kid because this is bad. Fellas the day has finally come and the goblin king is moving in on the island country of Teska…," said the first guard.

"No way, I'll go call the army and mobilize them to the walls," said the second guard.


The second guard took out a horn and blew through it for a few seconds.

"That's nice but can someone let me in," I said.

"Of course boy oh," said the first guard.

They opened the steel gate and I went inside and learned the guard I was talking to was Dave and he had lived here all his life. After learning I didn't have any armor he gave me some out of the storeroom of the guards barracks. It was plain leather armor but it was better than nothing, I also got a used sword that was plain in style.

"They've got goblin wizards!," Said a guard as he was patrolling the wall.




Suddenly a part of the wall was destroyed and the dark armies forces rushed in. Me and Dave were on the wall when it happened and then rushed down to stop the advancing dark army…

"Take this!," I said as I wielded my sword in my right hand and threw lightning bolts with my left.

Every time I threw a lightning bolt it harvested a goblins life but there was thousands of them and I ran out of mana at ten. That's when I engaged in sword play.

"Agh!," I said as I got stabbed through the stomach from behind.

I was surrounded by five goblins but I managed to make a last ditch attack for my life by putting my Mana into the negative.

"How about this," I roared as I hit the ground around me with the butt of my sword and released a lightning wave.

All five goblins were pushed off their feet and electrocuted as well. While they were down I took their lives with my sword. It seemed that the country of Teska and the goblin army were even in terms of power but that was until the second wave hit…