Forgotten Power

I stared at the impending second wave of goblins and panicked because if I died here then I would die in real life!

"Guess I'm going out fighting," I said.

I clenched the hole in my stomach with my left hand and held my sword in my right hand as I walked to go meet my foes but I fell and saw nothing but blackness…

"Master is in Danger!!! Your Original Power has been sealed but I have hacked the seal and accessed a Power Fragment. Would you like to use it?," Asked Tony.

"Yes, let's use it," I responded.

"Using Power Fragment," Tony said.

That's when I regained consciousness and it looked like only about a few seconds had passed by. As I was looking at the hole in my stomach it revealed that I was completely healed!

"What is this Power?," I asked.

"This is the power fragment. Also three spells in your grimoire is unlocked, to get more you must feed me Power Cores," said Tony.

"Alright what all can I do," I whispered as I looked at the fighting around me.

"You have one thousand stat points and three new magic spells. I will forward you the details," Tony said.

|Divine Eyes| This makes you ten time more powerful and gives you five different powers:

Future Sight-This let's you see a certain amount of moves ahead in close combat.

Hypnosis Sight-This lets you hypnotize any living being that you see.

Illusion Sight-This let's you make illusions that control all five senses and can damage the mind, also makes you immune to any and all illusions.

Fate Sight-This let's you control your fate for one time a day and avoid imminent death.

Destiny Sight-This let's you see into your future a year ahead of you once a day.

Full Release-This makes the eyes powers ten times more powerful.

|Avatar| This let's you control an avatar made of mana that is one hundred times as big as you, it comes in three stages:

First Stage-This let's you use the upper half of the skeleton of the avatar, it can attack with skeletal hands or magic. It can also defend and take up to one hundred times the damage you can.

Second Stage-This makes the skeleton upper half grow armor and let's you use an Avatar weapon which is one hundred times more powerful than a regular weapon.

Third Stage-This makes your avatar grow ten times bigger and make itself some legs

|Instant Leap| This let's you teleport instantly around the battlefield. It has two modes:

Battle Mode-This let's you travel short distances in combat rapidly without pause.

Travel Mode-This let's you charge up for a long distance teleport.

"I'll put one hundred stat points in all stats, then I'll put the remainder in Mana," I said.

"Wise choice master, prepare yourself," replied Tony.

As Tony uttered those last words I felt power coursing through my body like never before, I also felt my mind grow more powerful as well and I began to see the world like it's a mathematical equation. Everywhere I looked I saw formulas, numbers, and different strategies…

"Let's end this," I said as I readied my sword and dove into the sea of goblins.

It was a good thing I went for a balanced build and didn't underestimate the intelligence stat because I felt my mind was on par with ten quantum computers now. I could see and create around one hundred plans with each having a different strategy so I weighed my options and picked one.

"Lightning Bolt," I said as I charged lightning energy into my hand in the shape of a spear.


I threw it in the center of the goblin army after charging it for a full minute and it created an explosion that took the lives of over a thousand of them. Of course that's when a goblin general showed up…

"Oi, the Intel said nothing about you kid. That means someones getting fired when I get back," said the goblin general.

"You mean if you get back," I said.

"Oh don't worry about that kid. I bet your one of those who has all their stat points in Mana! Which means your weak physically," he retorted.

I used up ninety percent of my Mana in that attack that killed over a thousand goblins so I was relying on my physical stats to see me through the rest of the battle. That meant the goblin captain was wrong and he was about to have a rude awakening…

"Haa!," I roared as I struck first and aimed at the goblin generals throat with my sword.


The goblin general blocked the attack with his sword and my used sword cracked and the blade broke off…

"We goblin generals carry x rank swords so it seems like your out of luck kid," said the goblin captain.

"Master, you should be able to summon your sword now," said Tony.

I did as Tony said and closed my eyes and focused for a second which made the goblin captain pause.

"Giving up? Well I'll make your end quick," he said as he swung his sword down on my head.


I reached out my hand and pulled a sword out of thin air and blocked the goblin captains sword which chipped a bit.

"Well your wrong," I replied.


I then took the stunned goblin captains head off. After that the goblins retreated…