Find Out Where She Went

When they returned to Jin Garden, Xia Yunshu was still soundly asleep.

Qi Jing hadn't put her down since he carried her into the car.

As the car came to a stop, he lowered his eyes to the girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided not to wake her up.

Instead, he carried her straight back to her room.

He placed her on the bed and pulled the thin blanket over her before leaving quietly.

He did not return to his room or study but went downstairs instead.

On his way down, he made a phone call.

"Find out where Xia Yunshu went today."

He called his assistant.

Qi Jing had caused such a huge commotion when he went to find Xia Yunshu this afternoon.

Since he had gone out personally, it was impossible for his assistant not to know who Xia Yunshu was.

"Yes, Young Master Qi."

After the call ended, Qi Jing walked downstairs.

Aunt Song stood there.

"Young Master Qi."

Everyone in Jin Garden was shocked that Qi Jing had personally carried her, including Aunt Song, who was usually composed.

However, no one dared to say anything.

Not only did they not dare to say anything in front of Qi Jing, they did not dare to reveal even the tiniest bit of shock in their hearts.

He nodded slightly. "Yes, her foot is injured. Get a female doctor to apply some medicine."

Two seconds later, he added, "Be gentle, she's still asleep."

"Alright, Young Master Qi."

Aunt Song looked calm, but only she knew how unsettled she was.

When Miss Yunshu came to Jin Garden yesterday, even though she did not say anything and tried her best to be considerate to Miss Yunshu, she believed it was impossible for Miss Yunshu to live in Jin Garden, even though it was arranged by Young Master Qi.

Given Young Master Qi's introverted personality, it was impossible for him to let anyone stay in his private territory, not to mention that an eighteen-year-old girl.

In the end, not only did he agree to let her stay, but he also personally went to find and carry her back on the first day. 

Moreover, he specifically instructed to find a female doctor to apply the medicine gently so that she would not wake up...

Aunt Song suppressed the shock in her heart and left as usual.

Following Qi Jing's instructions, she found a female doctor who arrived very soon.

She could be considered as Jin Garden's family doctor.

After the female doctor went upstairs to bandage Xia Yunshu, the assistant also found out what Qi Jing wanted.

Qi Jing sat on the sofa in the living room and received a call from his assistant.

"The Du residence?"

"Yes, Young Master Qi. According to the GPS of the car that Miss Yunshu drove out of, she went to the Du family's house and stayed there for half an hour before leaving."

Qi Jing did not say anything, but the assistant continued.

Of course, he would not spend so much time finding out things that could be seen from the GPS. 

The fact that he only replied to Qi Jing now suggested that he had already investigated everything.

This was what an assistant of Qi Jing must possess.

If he only did what he was told, he wouldn't qualify as Qi Jing's assistant.

"I've checked. Du Ren, the head of the Du family, married Liang Mianmian after his ex-wife passed away. Liang Mianmian's ex-husband is the head of the Xia family, Xia Yuan, in Country Y."

The assistant didn't need to elaborate further.

Qi Jing understood.

He pursed his thin lips and asked after a moment of silence, "She didn't see anyone at the Du Family?"

"I didn't investigate further what happened at the Du family. But I do know that when Miss Yunshu went to the Du family, the eldest young masters of the Du family, Miss Du, and Mr Du were both at home."

"Young Master Qi, do you need me to check what exactly happened at the Du Family?"

Qi Jing's chiselled face was expressionless.

He paused and said, "It's fine."

After hanging up, Qi Jing crossed his legs and sat on the sofa in silence.

No one knew what he was thinking.

It was not until Aunt Song called, "Young Master Qi, dinner is ready. Do you want to eat now?"