He was Definitely Hers

"You have lived abroad all year round and aren't familiar with China's education system. You might find it difficult to adapt. Do you need any tutors?"

He only mentioned that she was unfamiliar with the education system after living abroad all year round. 

He did not mention anything about her being in a vegetative state.

To him, she might not even be familiar with the foreign teaching model.

She was only 13 years old when she seeped out of consciousness, and was sent back to China a few days after she woke up.

Her mental state was probably still stuck at 13.

"It's fine. Aunt Song passed me some textbooks from junior high to senior high so that I can adapt to the new environment faster. I just need to take a look at them."

"Brother Qi, you may not know, but I'm actually very smart and can learn things very quickly."

She only wanted to pre-empt him of her future exam results, but she did not expect him to look at her as if she was a child.

There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, but also some backhanded praise that he did not want to undermine her confidence.

"Yes, I know," he said.

Xia Yunshu remained silent.

"If you don't want to hire a tutor, then don't bother. Don't be too stressed when you go to school. Whether your grades are good or not doesn't mean anything. Many people with poor grades still have good lives. Besides, you won't have to work to support yourself in the future."

Xia Yunshu understood what he meant.

He was tactfully telling her not to care about her grades.

Although she felt a little helpless that he didn't think highly of her, she had to admit that she was really happy to hear him say this.

"I know. Thank you, Brother Qi."

She wanted to tease him and ask him who would support her if she didn't work in the future.

If she really asked, he would definitely mention the Xia family.

Yet, she did not want to ruin the atmosphere by bringing up the Xia family.

Qi Jing was about to leave after breakfast.

Before he left, he looked at Xia Yunshu who was sending her out.

He hesitated for a moment and suddenly said, "Since I've agreed to take care of you temporarily and allow you to stay in Jin Garden, you can treat Jin Garden as your home in the future and treat me as your brother."

Xia Yunshu's sweet smile froze because of his words.

But it quickly returned to normal in a few seconds.

Her smile was even sweeter than before.


"Since Brother Qi said that I can treat you as my brother, can I hug you?"

Ah, how could she forget who Qi Jing was?

How could he not be suspicious of her when he carried her back yesterday.

Since he had suspected and promised Uncle Qi to take care of her, he definitely wouldn't ignore everything.

In that case, he would definitely investigate.

It wasn't difficult for him to find out the reason.

He was..

Feeling sorry for her.

He said this as he was afraid that she would think that she was homeless and that no one wanted her.

They all said that Qi Jing was cold and ruthless, but she didn't think so.

He was clearly a very good person.

On the other hand, he froze when he heard her request.

Seeing that he was a little frightened by her words, Xia Yunshu smiled and said, "I don't have a brother, but I heard that it's normal for siblings to hug."

Children tended to be sensitive, especially children like her whose parents didn't care about them.

It wasn't like she had not been in close contact with him before.

He carried her back yesterday.

Anyway it was just a hug.

With that in mind, his body was no longer as tense as before.

He said to her, "Come here."

Even his words were very domineering. 

Xia Yunshu thought, "As expected from the head of Shengrong Group."

"You agreed?" she asked.

The joy on her face wasn't a show. 

She was really happy.


He opened his arms to her and said expressionlessly, "I'll give you a hug."

Not sure why, Xia Yunshu wanted to laugh when she saw Qi Jing like this.

How did he manage to open his arms and say "here you go" to a girl without any expression on his face?

She ran happily into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Qi Jing was already prepared and thought that it wouldn't be a big deal for a child to hug him.

However, when she really threw herself into his arms, he couldn't help but stiffen up.

The girl hugged him tightly and leaned her head in his arms.

She didn't say anything, and her smile wasn't as sweet and bright as usual.

She smiled faintly, but for some reason, he could feel that she was very happy at the moment.

As expected of a little child, she was satisfied so easily.

He originally wanted to hug her and pat her back, just like a normal brother hugging his sister. 

Just as his hand was about to rest on her head for a pat, she turned around and said, "Okay, I should go."

He thought that he was probably not used to being too close to others, even though she was just a child.

He didn't notice that his tone was unusually gentle.

Even though it wasn't obvious, it was still gentle.

With Qi Jing's personality, it was impossible for him to be gentle before he met her.

Xia Yunshu let go of him and stepped back slightly.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Alright, Goodbye, brother."

Qi Jing's heart trembled slightly when he heard her call him "brother".

"Brother Qi" and "brother" were only one word apart.

Why didn't he find it so strange when he heard her call him Brother Qi?

"... Bye."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the door.

His footsteps were a little fast.

Xia Yunshu looked at his departing figure and laughed heartily.

She didn't expect that teasing Qi Jing would be so fun.

In fact, after he found her and brought her back yesterday, she made up her mind.

She was going to marry him.