First Day in a New School

The following week, Qi Jing went on a business trip, while Xia Yunshu stayed in Jin Garden to recuperate from her foot injury.

It was just a minor injury, and she would be fine after a week.

While recuperating, she would read books, magazines or the textbooks Aunt Song had brought over.

When she was tired from reading, she would sit in the living room and watch TV.

Occasionally, she would go out to the yard for a stroll.

A week passed quickly.

It was September 1st, the first day of school.

That day, Xia Yunshu got up early, washed up and changed into her school uniform.

When she went downstairs, Aunt Song was already there.

"Miss Yunshu, please have your breakfast first. After breakfast, I'll send you to school."

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Song."

Actually, the enrollment procedure had already been settled. 

She just needed to report to her form teacher. 

Aunt Song didn't have to send her to school.

However, since Aunt Song wanted to send her, Xia Yunshu wouldn't refuse either.

Aunt Song was Qi Jing's housekeeper and usually abided by his instructions.

He probably arranged for Aunt Song to personally send her to school.

Xia Yunshu did not want to ruin his effort.

After breakfast, she got into the car and went to school.

Yu City Middle School was the best senior middle school in Yu City.

It took about half an hour to travel down the hill from Jin Garden and another twenty minutes to get from the foot of the mountain to Yu City Middle School. 

In total, it took about an hour to reach Yu City Middle School.

Yu City Middle School was a private school with good teaching facilities. 

Many rich families sent their children here.

Rich families don't just send their children to school to impart knowledge. 

They also wished to cultivate their interests and hobbies.

Even though the dormitory conditions of the students in Yu City Middle School were very good, very few students chose to reside in the school even if commuting to and fro was inconvenient.

Most of them lived at home.

Many students like Xia Yunshu travelled more than an hour to get to school.

Yu City Middle school had a special rule.

Non-resident students were not required to attend morning self-study sessions.

Class started at 8:30 in the morning.

Therefore, even though it was almost an hour's drive, they would not feel that they were in a hurry.

Xia Yunshu left around 7:10, and it wasn't even 8:00 when she reached.

Aunt Song brought her to her Form Teacher.

Grade 12 (Class 10) , Science Class.

In Grade 12, classes 1 to 6 were liberal arts classes, and Class 7 to 9 were the best science classes. 

Class 10 wasn't the best in Grade 12's science class, but it wasn't the lowest class either.

Aunt Song was worried that if she placed Xia Yunshu in a weaker class, she would be bullied by her classmates.

After all, there were many mischievous students in these classes.

She also thought that if she was placed in the top class, no matter how smart she was when she was young, she wouldn't be able to keep up since she just returned from abroad with a different education system and she had laid in bed for the past few years.

Hence, she placed her in an average-performing class.

Furthermore, Aunt Song had specially checked the background of Class 10 before placing Xia Yunshu here.

She knew that the students in Class 10 were easier to get along with.

She indeed thought very carefully about Xia Yunshu's class.

When they reached the Form Teacher's office, there were other people there.

"Teacher Yu, please take good care of Junliu in the future."

The speaker was a woman in her thirties.

She was dressed professionally and looked very capable.

There was another boy around seventeen or eighteen standing next to her.

The boy's back faced the office door, so Aunt Song did not see his face.

Was there another student who had just transferred to Class 10?

She had a rough understanding of the other students in Class 10.

She just did not know if this newly transferred boy was equally easy to get along with.

"Ms Fu, don't worry. We'll take good care of every student in the class. It's our duty as teachers to supervise them to study well."

"Junliu, please wait a moment. There's another new student in our class. When she comes over, the teacher will bring you to the classroom together."

The middle-aged man who was addressed as Teacher Yu by the woman clearly saw Xia Yunshu and Aunt Song standing outside the door.

Aunt Song knocked on the door at the right moment. "Teacher Yu, sorry to bother you."

Ms Fu and the boy, addressed as Junliu, also turned around to look at them.

Both of them were surprised when they saw the person standing outside the door.

Especially the boy who was so nonchalant just now.

He stared at Xia Yunshu with his eyes wide open.

  1. also known as high school