Song Yue's Interrogation

Qiao Nian pursed her lips, vaguely sensing the answer.

"Brother, you mean that back then, Grandma Qiao wanted me to marry Qiao Yu when I grew up? But after Grandma Qiao left, everything after that was out of Grandma Qiao's control. The Qiao Shan couple didn't like me, so they sent me to the mountains."

Lu Zhu looked at Qiao Nian. His sister was indeed smart.

"I think that's possible. Perhaps there's another possibility. Matriarch Qiao thought that you were really the granddaughter of the Qiao family. It's just that she saw that the Qiao couple treated you badly, so she doted on you a little more."

Qiao Nian's eyes were filled with confusion.

Now that Matriarch Qiao was gone, if he wanted to investigate, he could only start with the Qiao Shan couple.

He believed that there was a reason for this arrangement.

"Brother, don't think about this for now. Rest early. When tomorrow comes…"