
Song Yue met Qiao Nian's gaze. Qiao Nian looked at her as if she was looking at a dead person.

Song Yue felt a chill on her back and her surroundings were cold.

She was a little afraid of the current Qiao Nian.

Song Yue suppressed her fear. She would never allow a country bumpkin like Qiao Nian to step on her head.

She was a high and mighty heiress.

She was the most suitable woman for Brother Lu Zhu.

Song Yue questioned, "Qiao Nian, don't change the topic. Do you think I won't know if you don't tell me? From the beginning, I suspected that you were in cahoots with Jiang Chi. Otherwise, why would Jiang Chi let you leave? The facts prove that I was right!"

Qiao Nian felt that Song Yue was getting more and more ridiculous.

She believed that her brother would never believe Song Yue's nonsense.