Chapter 3: The Banquet (Part 3)

Episode 08

(Entering The Capital Of Loire)




The front gate of the Capital was bustling. Hundreds of Knights riding horses, along with many carriages were entering the Capital.

People were gathering at the side of the road to see the Beastmen coming to their Empire.


"I thought they would be like some human-shaped furry creature!"

"I know, right?! I thought they would be fat and ugly like goblins!"

"But they are nothing like that! They look like normal humans!"

"What do you mean by 'Human'? They look like angels!"

"Kyaa~ Even the Knights are all handsome!"

"Did you see their body?"

"Their dresses fit them perfectly!"

"Kyaa~ Did you see that? That person just waved at me!"


"That blue-haired handsome!"

"What? He waved at me, bitch!"

"Kyaaa~ He just winked at me!"

"The one with silver hair! Ahh~! Gosh! He just winked!"

"Tch~ What the hell? What do you even see in them? They look normal to me."

A boy meddled in the conversation of young girls.

"Shut up, you ugly! What do you know about this?"

"Go look at the mirror first before talking about others."

"Yeah. Just go away. Why are you even here?"

"Yeah. Are you a pervert! Why are you eavesdropping on girls' conversations?"

"Ughh! Shut up! I am going."

The boy ran away in embarrassment.

"And did you see that orange-haired knight! Aghh! Why are they all so handsome! Kyaa~"

"And the one with black hair…"

"Yes. He isn't showing any expression…"

"But that's what makes him cooler!"

"I know right! Like a mysterious beauty!"

"Wait, he is probably the Crown Prince of Fellmirr!"

"Probably. He is at the forefront."

"Ughh~ They are magnificent! I wish I could marry even one of the Knights."

The whole Crowd was filled with girl's cheering and chattering. And some kids were also admiring the Knights.

"Mother! Mother! Look! They are so big! And strong too! I want to be like them when I grow up!"

"Yes! Yes! My dear!"

And some people were admiring their magnificence.

"Their clothes are well-made."


"The Knights are really disciplined."

"Did you see how many carriages were there?!"

"Yes! Almost 20 carriages!"

"I wonder what's in there!"

Leonus was at the front. Behind him were his friends Lorenzo Iydril, Randall Erlshade and then Blaine Ainsworth. And behind Blaine, other knights and carriages were following.

Lorenzo is from the Iydril Duchy, the Water Dragon Clan. And Randall is from Erlshade Duchy, the Silver Werewolf Clan and also Leonus's cousin. Blaine Ainsworth is the Vice-Captain of Leonus's knights. He is a Swordmaster and good at space magic. And he is a human.

Leonus was wearing a gold embroidered navy blue coloured Royal suit with white trousers. A red scarf was tied to his waist. He also wore a gold embroidered navy blue and white coloured velvet Cloak. It is the Royal attire of the Fellmirr Empire.

"Guess we are popular! Hahaha~"

Randall said while waving and smiling at the crowd.

"You don't ask. Well, what can they do? I am just too handsome. Sigh~ What am I supposed to do, if they propose to me! Haaa~ So pitiful! I have to break their poor hearts!"

Lorenzo said narcissistically.

Randall: "Come on, man! They are not going to do that."

Lorenzo: "What! And how do you know that?"

Randall: "Did you see Leon's expression?! I bet they will get scared to even come near us!"

Lorenzo: "Tch! That damn wolf! He didn't let us rest for weeks!"

Randall: "I guess he can't wait anymore!"

Lorenzo: "Pfft~ Hahahaha!"

Randall: "Hahahaha~!"

"You guys better shut up. Or I will make sure to send you two to the Nuglobar territory for investigation."

Leonus warned them in a calm voice while looking at the front.

Randall: "Come on, Your Highness. We were just joking!"

Lorenzo: "You wouldn't do that to your friends, right?"

Then Randall and Lorenzo continued waving at the crowd.

Kyaa~ Kyaa~

And the ladies' cheers at the crowd continued.

After a while, they reached the entrance of the Royal Palace. Albert and the butler along with some Royal Knights and servants were there to greet them.

Except for Blaine and some Knights with the carriages, the other Knights went on another route where a nearby manor was arranged for them to stay.

Leonus got down from his black horse first. Then Randall, Lorenzo and Blaine. The Knights and other servants then bowed to them.

"Greetings, Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr. I am His Majesty the Emperor's Aide, Albert Lynchfield. I hope you had a pleasant journey."

Then Albert greeted Lorenzo and Randall.

"Greetings, Young Master Iydril and Young Master Erlshade.The palace chef has prepared a grand feast for you."

"We'd rather rest first. My Companions and Knights are exhausted after that long journey. We will have lunch later."

"As you wish. The servants have prepared a palace for you. The butler will guide you there."


"His Highness the Emperor is waiting for you at the Royal Court, Crown Prince."

"Blaine, come with me."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Lead the way."

"As you wish."

Then Lorenzo and Randall followed the butler to the palace that was prepared for them. And Leonus and Blaine followed Albert to the Royal Court.

After a few minutes, they reached the Royal Court.


With a loud horn, A Knight announced Leonus's presence.

"The Crown Prince of Fellmirr, Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr is entering the Royal Court."

"Greetings, Crown Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr."

"Greetings, Your Highness the Emperor."

"Welcome to the Loire Empire. I hope you had a pleasant journey."

"It was. Thank you for your consideration."

"How is Emperor Theobald Cedric Fellmirr?"

"His Highness is in great health."

"Good to hear that. You should go and take some rest now. You had a long journey."

"I suppose so. But before that allow me to present something. Blaine."

"Yes, Your Highness."


With the snap of his finger, different sizes of treasure chests filled the Royal Court.

Then Blaine opened all of those chests with magic. And they were filled with silver, gold, jewellery, silk clothes and many more treasures.


Mutter* Mutter*

The whole court was in awe. The Royal Court Officials were muttering between themselves with disbelief at such wealth. But the thing they were amazed at the most was Blain's magic, as spatial magic is very rare.

"This is just a little present from our Empire for the marriage."

"I-I see."

Being flustered, Mathias changed the topic.

"Anyways a banquet is arranged for your arrival in the evening."

"I see. Then, please excuse us."

Saying that Leonus and Blaine left the court, leaving everyone in awe and disbelief.

"I can't believe they just sent an Aide to welcome Your Highness."

Blaine said with annoyance.


"Even though he is Emperor Johannes's son, he's nothing like him. Bastard."

"Well, the look on his face in the Royal Court was quite amusing."

"He was so flustered. Pfft~ He didn't expect all those gifts I guess. Hahaha!"

After a while, they reached the palace that was prepared for them.




The Royal Palace

Isabella's Room.

After a while, the sound of trumpets and drums stopped. I guess they have reached the palace.

The banquet is in the evening. And it's already afternoon. The maids started to dress me up.

The dress was black with sparkling Diamonds and a little bit of glittery gold. It was quite heavy.

Suddenly a maid started to untie the chain that Grandfather gave me.

"What are you doing?"

"Princess, you have to untie the chain."

"Wait. I will do it myself."

< It was a precious chain that Grandfather gave me. He was really sick before his death. I went to visit him daily as he couldn't even get up from his bed. But that day he was extremely sick. I started crying after seeing him.

"Listen, Bell. I am going to say something very important. You must always wear that chain."

Sob* Sob*

"Grandpa, don't leave me."

"Listen to me, Isabella. This is very important, my child. Promise me. Promise me that you will wear it every day."

Sob* Sob*


Sob* Sob*

"Listen, dear. Think of it as me. As long as you wear it, I will always be there for you. It will protect you from harm, my child."

Sob* Sob*

"Bell, my dear. I am not going anywhere. I will always be there for you child. Don't cry. Promise me that you will wear it every day."

Sob* Sob*

"Now you don't even want to listen to me?"

"Ahh~ I will. Sob* I promise."

"Good girl. Come here."

Then Johannes took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. The poor girl then burst into tears.


"Aghh~ Grandpa~ Are you going to leave me? Don't~"

"No. My child. I am not going anywhere."

Sob* Sob*

After a while, she fell asleep in his arms. That day, they both slept together. It was a heart-warming moment. And after a few days, Johannes died. >

I untied the chain and kept it in my hand.

It took a while to wear the dress. It was gorgeous. After that, the maids started doing my hair. My hair was left untied with a gorgeous headpiece made of white diamonds. Then I wore an earring and a choker necklace which were made of laces similar to the dress.

At the time, I was finished dressing up, it was already evening.

When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't recognise myself. I guess they really don't want to send Rubena.


"I want to be alone for a bit."

"As you wish, Princess."

The maids then bowed and left the room. I looked at the chain in my hand.

There is a secret to this chain. Grandfather made it so that it can take any jewellery shape. As I put it on my figure, it took the shape of a ring.


I looked outside my window. The moon is bright. I can hear music coming out of the Royal Ballroom.

"The Banquet has started…"