Chapter 3: The Banquet (Part 4)

Episode 09

(The Start Of The Banquet)

Knock* Knock*

"Come in."

It was Albert. He stopped after getting a step in and didn't say a word.



"Umm~ Albert…"


"Do you have something to say?"



"Pardon my insolence. Greetings, Princess. You look marvellous today."

"Ah… Thank you."


"So why are you here?"

"Oh, Yes. His Highness the Emperor is waiting for you on the 2nd floor. You have to enter the banquet hall with him."

"I see. Lead the way."

"My pleasure, Princess."

After that, Isabella got out of her room. 


The 3 knights outside her room were stunned after seeing her. As if being under a spell, they were blankly staring at her. But soon came back to their senses as Albert glared at them. 

"P-Pardon us. Greetings, Princess."

The Knights then bowed and started following them as they were ordered to guard and keep an eye on her. But as a matter of fact, it would be hard for them to take their eyes off of her.

It was not just the Knights. As she was walking down the hallway, all the servants gasped at her beauty. They couldn't believe their eyes. Even some maids blushed after seeing her. 

"Is that really the 1st Princess?"

"Was she always this beautiful!"

"So beautiful~"

"Princess Rubena is nothing compared to her."

"I know, right?!"

The servants were whispering among themselves.

After a few minutes, they reached the 2nd floor. Emperor Mathias was standing in front of the banquet hall door with his escorts. He was wearing a royal red suit with golden embroidery, the Royal Cape and his crown. After seeing Isabella, he frowned.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

The Knights bowed and greeted Mathias. Then Mathias waved his hands and the Knights backed off.

After that Isabella bowed and greeted him.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

"You'd better not cause any trouble and be useful for once."


"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Please excuse me, Your Highness. I have to prepare for tomorrow's ceremony."

"You are excused."

Then Albert bowed and left for his work.

"Give me your hand."

Isabella put her hand on Mathias's hand. Then Mathias showed a sign and a servant announced their presence and opened the door.




Royal Banquets are held only for special occasions. Every Noble of the Empire gets an invitation. And the nobles start preparing for that banquet months before.

Today the banquet is held to welcome the Crown Prince of Fellmirr and as a farewell to Isabella. 

But in reality, it's held to show off Loire's wealth to Fellmirr and it has nothing to do with Isabella. As a result, the banquet was really grand. All kinds of food, drinks, and famous musicians were arranged. 

The Nobles, especially the Noble ladies, didn't want to join today's banquet. As they think lowly of Fellmirr. And if somehow a fat, ugly beastmen likes them, they will have to marry him. And the noble ladies didn't want that to happen.

But they changed their mind after hearing today's rumours about the Beastmen who are said to be the most handsome and manly. 

The aristocrats started gathering at the banquet hall before evening. And by evening every noble family was present. They, especially the ladies, were waiting to see the Beastmen from the Fellmirr Empire. 

"Did you hear the rumour?"

"The one about the Beastmen?"


"Yes. I heard they are very charming and handsome."

"Yeah. But it's still hard to believe."

"You are right. We can't just believe whatever the commoners say."


"And how can some beast be a gentleman?!"

"I know, right! But Lady Isabella and that beastman will suit each other well."

"Hahaha! You just said my mind."

"Both wicked and disgusting!"


With the loud horn sound, the Grand Chamberlain announced their presence.

"Glory of the Fellmirr Empire, Crown Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr is entering!"

"Glory of the Iydril Duchy, Lorenzo Iydril is entering!"

"Glory of the Erlshade Duchy, Randall Erlshade is entering!"

"Glory of the Carados Knights, Blaine Ainsworth is entering!"

Following Leonus, Randall, Lorenzo and Blaine entered the banquet hall together. Leonus was wearing a black royal suit with gold embroidered on it and his hairstyle was formal as usual. Randall, Lorenzo and Blaine were also wearing dark coloured suits. 

They became everyone's centre of attention, as soon as their names were announced. The lady's jaw dropped after seeing them.



"How can this be!"

"Dear Lord! They are the Beastmen!"

"Oh my! They are so charming!"

"Aghh! I can't believe someone as ugly as Isabella will be marrying such handsome beauty!"

"Shhh! Watch your mouth! What if they heard you!"

Murmur* Murmur*

The whole banquet hall was filled with people's chitter-chatter. The noble ladies were blushing and fanning themselves after seeing them. 

After a while, many nobles approached them and introduced themselves. Some ladies tried to seduce them, but couldn't get anywhere. 

Many ladies approached Leonus, but because of Leonus's stern expression, some backed off quickly. But some ladies just didn't learn their lesson.

"I feel bad for you, My Prince."


"You were supposed to be betrothed to the second princess. "

Hearing that, Leonus flinched and frowned. His stern expression cracked for the first time. 


Lorenzo, Randall and Blaine spitted their drinks at the same time.

Cough* Cough*

'Does she wanna die?!' 

The three thought at the same time.

"What do you mean 'supposed to'?"

Seeing the angry Leonus, Lorenzo hurriedly asked the lady with an awkward smile. 

The lady thought,

'Hah~ He must have thought that he was going to get married to the second princess. Pfft! Who would want to marry someone like Isabella! Well, it's good for me anyway. I can just make him mine.'

"Oh! You don't know? The bride has changed. It will be Princess Isabella."

Leonus's expression came back to being stern. 

"Princess Isabella's betrothal was annulled. So she is the one you will get betrothed to."

"She was betrothed to someone else?"

This time Leonus asked the lady. She then smirked and said,

"Yes. But don't worry about that. Her fiancé didn't like her anyway.".

She meant that she was so unsightly that his betrothed hated her. 


Then Leonus scoffed and went near a servant who was holding drinks. 

"Please excuse us."

"Huh! Wait…"

Randall and the other two smiled and excused themselves. Then they went to Leonus.

"You okay?"

"Yes. I am absolutely fine."

Holding his drink, Leonus replied. Seeing him like that, the three didn't ask anything further.

But that lady came towards them again.

"You were just getting a drink. You could have just asked a servant. I wonder when Lady Isabella will come. She's so late!"

'Ugh! She really wants to die.'


Randall was going to say something, but then-


A loud horn rang. The huge door on the second floor opened with a loud noise.

"Glory of the Loire Empire, His Majesty the Emperor Mathias Von Goldrudder Loire and Flower of the Loire Empire, Princess Isabella Von Hagen Loire is entering!"

And everyone's attention was gathered on the second floor. 


The whole banquet hall turned silent. Everyone's jaw dropped for the second time after seeing Isabella. They couldn't believe their eyes. 

She looked so gorgeous that every man in the banquet hall forgot to take their breath. Her mesmerising beauty as she was getting down from the stairs caught everyone's attention. It was like an angel descended on earth. When she lifted her eyes, every man in the banquet hall blushed hard.

"Welcome to tonight's banquet! It's for welcoming our guests from the Fellmirr Empire and to farewell my dearest daughter. Let the banquet begin! Enjoy!"

Clap* Clap*

The nobles came back to their senses. And the whole banquet hall again filled with everyone's murmur and clapping sound.