Chapter 3: The Banquet (Part 5)

Episode 10

(It's Winter)

! Warning !

This episode contains strong language, violence and abuse which might be traumatizing for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.




I entered the banquet hall while holding His Majesty's hand. After the announcement of our arrival, the whole banquet hall became silent. I was getting down the stairs.

Suddenly His Majesty sprained my wrist hard and whispered.

"Don't you dare make any sound. If you do anything stupid here, you know what will happen. And this time it won't be just two or three days. I won't let you come out until I find any use of you. Understand?"


"Now smile and look forward."


My eyes were teary because of the pain. I held back my tears and lifted my eyes.

There was pin-drop silence in the banquet hall. And everyone's attention was here.

He continued to sprain my wrist until we reached the 1st floor of the banquet hall.

The wrist of my left hand was bruised and a bit swollen. Although that won't be noticed unless someone looks carefully. It was really painful. I felt weak. It's probably because I didn't eat much for the last two days.

Anyways after letting go of my wrist, he made a small welcome speech.

"Welcome to tonight's banquet! It's for welcoming our guests from the Fellmirr Empire and to farewell my dearest daughter. Let the banquet begin! Enjoy!"

Clap* Clap*

Then the silence broke. And soon the Aristocrats started murmuring among themselves.

Many Aristocrats gathered around us. His Majesty was talking with some of them. I was standing behind him. I can feel them staring at me. This happened in the hallway too.


Suddenly I felt an intense chill behind my back. I looked behind instinctively.

And he caught my eyes. A black-haired man with deep blue eyes. While drinking from his glass, he glared at me so deeply that I had shivers down my spine. I hurriedly looked away.

'Who is he? I have never seen him before. Aghh~ Is he someone from Fellmirr?'

I again looked behind. He wasn't there.

"Greetings Emperor."

I flinched and hurriedly looked in front of me. It was him.

"Greetings, Crown Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr. Hope you will have a pleasant evening."

Without replying to His Majesty he said,

"Greetings, Princess.".

He slightly bowed and extended his right hand. I give him my hand. He bowed towards my hand and frowned. Then he lightly kissed my hand.

Aghh~ He is the Crown Prince! He probably knows that he was supposed to marry Rubena. He hates me for sure. So that's why he was glaring at me. I tried to smile as naturally as possible and replied,


Seeing that, Emperor Mathias frowned. He then tried to control his expression and said with an awkward smile.

"You must be still tired."

"Oh, did you say something? Apologies, I didn't notice."

Leonus said in a tone that didn't sound apologetic… at all.

"It's okay. Anyways let the music begin!"

Mathias changed the topic.

The music started to play. Many Aristocrat couples started waltzing in the middle of the hall.

"May I have the honour to dance with you, Princess?"

I didn't expect him to ask me for the first dance. Roberto rarely danced with me at any ball. Now that I think about it, Rubena isn't here. Guess she didn't want to be seen.

Well, it's normal for him to ask me for a dance. It's general etiquette to dance first with one's fiancée. And I am his fiancée. He probably asked me in order to not ruin his reputation.

"It will be my pleasure."

Then he took my hand and reached the dance floor. He grabbed my hand gently as we began to waltz around the floor.

When I looked at him, I could see his beautiful deep blue eyes.

Ah! There is a mole under his right eye.



Leonus said in a low tone while looking at me.

I hurriedly looked away in embarrassment.

As I was wearing high heels and my body felt weak, I was quite clumsy at dancing. But he took care of my every move skillfully.


Aghh~ He is probably annoyed. I don't want to cause any trouble today. And my hand was hurting a lot too.

Suddenly my head was dizzy and my leg felt weak. I was going to fall. But he caught me on time and pulled my body closer to his. Then he came close to my ear and whispered,

"Princess, do you want to stop?".

I could feel his breath near my ear. I felt really weak. I couldn't continue dancing even if I tried my best. So I nodded my head slightly. He is probably really annoyed.

"As you wish, My Princess."

Huh…? Did he just say MY princess? No way. I probably heard wrong. Yes. That's it. I am feeling weak, anyways.


The music of the banquet hall reached its peak. Suddenly he grabbed my waist and lifted me.


The ladies in the banquet hall squealed and gasped with surprise. But I couldn't notice anything as I was shocked when he did that. I put my hand on his shoulder and closed my eyes tight.

"Princess… are you scared?"


Ahh. He's probably enjoying seeing me so scared.

"Can you put me down?"

"Sure, princess."

Then the music of the banquet hall ended.

Clap* Clap*

While everyone was clapping, he grabbed my hand and sneakily took me to the balcony.

The balcony was empty. There are red curtains on the balcony door. He dropped the curtains, so no one would notice us.

The silver light of the moon made the whole balcony brighter. Two lanterns were hanging around the balcony. It was really cold. I could hear other music playing in the hall.

He sat me on the bench at the corner of the balcony. A cold breeze fluttered my hair.

He then got on his knees, then said,

"Princess, give me your hand."

I flinched. Did he notice? But when? I gave him my right hand.

"Not this one, princess. Left hand."

"What? Why do you want my left hand, Your Highness? I don't want to."

I can't be a pushover here. I can't live as I do here.

His deep blue eyes then gazed at me. I flinched.

"Is it true you weren't the one whom I was supposed to marry?"

He knew. Aghh~ What am I supposed to say!

"What are you talking about?"

"Were you engaged with someone else, princess?"


"Who is he? Do you love him?"


Then suddenly a servant came to the balcony.

"Princess Isabella, His Majesty is looking for you."

He bowed and said.

"I see. Excuse me. I will have to go."

I hurriedly got up and left the balcony. When I looked behind, I saw his burning deep blue eyes gazing at me.




His Majesty was in one of the special rooms on the second floor of the banquet hall which was made for the Nobles to rest or to chat with each other. And sometimes couples go into that room for some quality time. The Royal Banquet was strict with privacy. So a soundproofing spell was cast on the rooms.

"First Princess, Isabella Von Hagen Loire is entering."

When I got into that room, I saw his majesty with healers.

Is he going to heal my hand? That's unexpected. He usually doesn't summon a healer after a week of my injury. I guess if anyone notices, it will be a problem for him.

"Get out."

The healers bowed then got out.

"Give me your left hand."

I gave him my hand. And-


He stabbed my hand with a knife. Blood flowed out of my hand.


My hand was already sprained. It felt like hell.

"You b*tch! You are now seducing beasts! You were so clinging onto him."

Stab* Stab*


"I didn't."

Stab* Stab*

"How dare you lie! You think you can get rid of me if you seduce him!"

Stab* Stab*


"Please stop!"

Sob* Sob*

Stab* Stab*

"Please stop! Stop it already!"

"You think that monster will love you! He will treat you just like that of a dog you are. Your life will be hell there too."

Stab* Stab* Stab*


"I was wrong! Aghh! I shouldn't. I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me."

Stab* Stab*

The whole room filled with her helpless cry. After a few minutes, Mathias left and the healers got into the room.


And what they saw was horrible. Blood was coming out of Isabella's left hand. Her left hand was in a horrible state. Isabella's dress was stained with blood. And she was lying back in the corner of the room.

The healers hurriedly started healing her. As if it's a little late, it would be impossible to heal her hand. It took half an hour to heal her. After a while, she was sent to her room.




In the Banquet Hall.

Mathias went outside the special room and removed blood stains from his cloth using magic. Then he went to the hall and said,

"The princess isn't feeling good. So she left the banquet early. But please don't worry, she will be fine. So continue enjoying the banquet without worry.".

"He looks quite happy for someone whose daughter is sick."

Randall said to Leonus. He came back from the balcony a few minutes after Isabella left.

"You don't say."

Lorenzo replied.

'I smell blood.'

Leonus's eyes were glowing like fire, as he thought.

After a while, he and his group left the banquet hall.




When I came back to my senses, I was lying in bed. My hand was hurting badly. I was too exhausted to even open my eyes. I could feel someone touching my hand. But I couldn't see him. Even though I tried to stay awake because of exhaustion, I fell asleep again.

After a while, I woke up. Surprisingly I had my strength back. I opened my eyes and found myself alone in my room. The door of my room was closed. But I could hear some knights talking outside my door. Was that one of the Knights who came into my room? I was a bit confused about how I ended up here. My dress was changed into a nightgown.

Then suddenly I remembered the horrible memory. I flinched while remembering those horrible memories.

How am I still sane?! Why won't I die! When can I get out of this hell?

"Why me? Wh-"


Her sapphire ring glowed brightly and a barrier started circling around her. Isabella froze.

After a minute, the barrier disappeared and her ring stopped glowing.


What was I doing?

I touched my face as it felt cold.

Water… No tears? Was I crying? But why?

After thinking for a while, I remembered.

Ah! Was it because the Emperor beat me?! But he always do that. That's not something to cry about.

I will get out of this place tomorrow anyways. That nightmare won't ever happen again. I won't have to get beaten by the Emperor again.

I wiped my tears and went to the window seat. The window was already open. Probably a maid left it open. It was really cold. I looked outside.

It was already midnight. The banquet hall was still lit. I could hear music playing in the hall. I leaned my head on the window frame, then put my hand outside the window. Suddenly a cold white thing fell on my hand. And in a minute, it started snowing.

I murmured to myself.

"It's winter..."