Chapter 4: Into The Bloodhorn Forest (Part 2)

Episode 12

(My Beloved)




During the Winter Expedition to the Ashoron Territory, the Aristocrats set their camp in a plain land near the Ashoron Territory Forest. Every Family set their camp lavishly to boast their status.

Normally the Aristocrats and their knights come back before sunset.

At night, a Magic Barrier gets activated around the Bloodhorn Forest, so any monster cannot get out of there.

It's hard on the spell caster if the barrier remains active both day and night. They can run out of magic power. And because high-level monsters become active at night, it will be harder for the caster to cast a magic barrier that can keep up with those monsters.

So in the daytime, the Knights and others take care of the monsters, so that the spellcasters can focus and put all their magical energy into the Night Barrier.

But this year's expedition is messed up because of the newfound monster. They are easy to kill but are countless. They look kind of like rats but nothing like them. Big size, spiky teeth, strong muscles and smelly.

On the first day, all of the four squads were surprised after seeing those but managed to slaughter them all. Or that's what they thought.

The next day when they went to hunt the monsters down they were bamboozled after seeing those rats. The problem was not the rats, but their numbers. This time they were double the number than the previous day.

And the weirdest thing was the way these monsters turned into burning ash and flew away as if dust were flying in a storm. And their bodies have a nasty stench.

It has already been a month since the Aristocrats and the Knights came to the expedition.

After Roberto beat the Orc Lord in a few minutes, he taught all of his knights the monster's weak spots.

So if it was normal, the Knights would've already been done slaughtering all of the monsters by this time. And there wouldn't be any monster left to slaughter as they would've already returned to their den.

The expedition team would've already started preparing to go back. But Alas!




Gallop* Gallop*


Roberto and the Knights were going back to the camp while riding their horses.

Knight 1: "Captain seems to be grumpy nowadays."

Knight 2: "I know right."

Knight 3: "It's probably because of those rats."

Knight 2: "I guess."

Knight 1: "Sigh~ There was no end to them."

Knight 3: "Sigh~"

Knight 4: "Hoho~"

Knight 2: "Why are you laughing like that?"

The knight asked with a look of disapproval.

Knight 4: "You guys don't have any idea, huh?"

The knight asked while shrugging his shoulders with a smirk.

Knight 1: "About what?"

Knight 4: "FuFu"

Knight 3: "Will you say it already?!"

Knight 4: " You sure are impatient. Anyways, Every day when the Captain returns to the camp, he asks a servant if any letter was sent."

Knight 1: "What?"

Knight 4: "He and Princess Rubena probably exchanged letters."

Knight 2: "Oooh~"

Knight 4: "If it weren't for that Lady Isabella, both of them could be together."

Knight 1: "Shh~"

Knight 3: "Ah! Yes. If he heard that we are talking about Lady Isabella, he's gonna kill us."

Knight 4: "I know, right."

Knight 1: "Why does he get angry when we talk about Lady Isabella and Princess Rubena?"

Knight 3: "He probably hates thinking about Lady Isabella."

Knight 1: "Probably."


Knight 4: "When we go back I'm gonna jump on the food and then sleep like the dead."

Knight 1: "Me too."

The Knights then stopped chattering among themselves and continued riding horses silently. As they kept fighting with the monsters since morning, they were all exhausted.

Gallop* Gallop*

After a while, they reached the camp. Roberto pulled the lash off his horse.


The horse stopped.



He jumped out of the horse.

"Take him back to the stable."

"Yes, Master."

After ordering a servant, he returned to his tent. Another servant was following him.

"Master, should I prepare your bath?"

"Did any letter come?"

"Huh? From whom?"

"Just answer what I asked you."

The servant flinched.


Roberto frowned.

"Prepare my bath."

"Yes, Master."

After a while, the servant prepared a warm bath for him. While taking off his bloody armour and clothes, his wide shoulders and muscular naked body became visible. There were many scars throughout his body.


"Yes, Master."

The flustered servant hurriedly left the room.

Roberto slowly got into the tub.


He groaned.

'Why isn't she sending me any letters? If it was before, she would've sent dozens by now. Even if I didn't reply to them. Is she angry?'


"How annoying!"

He is already annoyed because of the newfound monster. But what's making him paranoid is that Isabella isn't sending any letters to him.


After a while, Roberto relaxed and leaned on the tub. He was exhausted. After a few moments, he dozed off in the tub.

Then he had a short, yet beautiful dream. The day he first met his beloved Isabella…

< It was my 20th birthday. I was told that I would be betrothed to the 1st Princess, Isabella Von Hagen Loire. And I will have to meet her the next day.

I didn't think much about it. To me, she was just a person I will get married to… Nothing more, nothing less.

I was just announced as the heir of the Silverwind Duchy.

As for the Aristocrats, I was a disgrace. A dirty bast*rd with a commoner mother. An illegitimate basta*rd child who somehow inherited the title.

She was a princess, a Royal family member, the highest rank for an Aristocrat. I thought she would think of me the same as the other Aristocrats. And I probably won't care much about it. As I was used to it.

That is until I saw her.

It was a beautiful spring day. All kinds of flowers were blooming. Beautiful butterflies were flying around to have a taste of those pretty flowers.

She was wearing a peach-coloured dress. Her fluttering golden hair… Her Crystal-like Amethyst eyes… Her Rosy cheeks… Her whole being… She was so lovely… It was as if Spring came just for her… As if she was the Sun itself...

Thump* Thump*

My heart couldn't stop beating… I fell for her at first sight…

What would she think of me? I wished she wouldn't be like the others.

Even if she was like the other Aristocrats, I will still want her. Thousands of questions and thoughts were swirling through my mind.

And then when she first talked and smiled at me...

"You have beautiful eyes, Duke."




It was the first time someone said that to me. The first time someone smiled so genuinely at me. The first time my heart was beating so fast. It felt like it would burst out of my chest at any moment. My whole body turned red. I hurriedly looked away.

She didn't once mention anything about me being an illegitimate son. But rather, gave me a warm smile.

I loved her from that moment…

I love her now…

I will love her… Forever…

That day I dedicated my whole being to her. I wanted to be the duke to get out of poverty in the past. But from then on, I worked hard for her sake. To be a person who deserves her. Her warm smile, her beautiful hair, her whole being… She is my salvation...

My Lovely Isabella… >


Roberto slowly opened his eyes at the sound of water droplets falling in the tub.



"My Bell…"

Roberto blushed and covered his mouth with one hand.

"This time… for sure. After returning to the capital, this time I will marry her. No matter what that bastard Mathias says. I will tell her everything this time..."

Roberto got up from the tub. Then took the towel and tied it around his lower body.

'But before that, I have to take care of this troublesome matter.'


She must be. She must be angry with me.

Why won't be she angry? She has every reason to be.

But still. Even after all the things I have done to her… I want her to love me.

This wicked and selfish me…

I hope you are not angry with me…
