Chapter 4: Into The Bloodhorn Forest (Part 3)

Episode 13

(End Of The Long Battle)

Drip* Drip*

Droplets of water were dripping from Roberto's wet hair to his shoulder. He took another towel and brushed his hair.

A set of casual clothes were already prepared for him in his bed. He went near the bed and put them on. Then he tied his scabbard on the waist and put his sword there.

After that, Roberto went outside of his tent and went to the meeting tent.

Chirp* Chirp*

When he went out, it was already dark outside. The moon was full. All the fire torches were lit. Cricket's chirping was heard. It was a beautiful night.




The Ashoron Territory

Ashoron Forest Plain Land

Camp Site

Meeting Tent.

Murmur* Murmur*

The meeting tent was already full. All the Aristocrats already gathered there and sat on their designated seats. All of them were wearing casual clothes. And they were all talking about the newfound monster.

The Loire Empire has 1 Grand Duke, 3 Dukes, 6 Marquis and 15 Barons. Barons are not allowed to have their Military power or Knights. They don't even have the right to take part in the Royal Assembly or the weekly Aristocrats gathering.

Anyways, among Marquis families, the Belet family is now the top. Wendell Belet, the next heir of the Belet family is known as the best strategist living in the Loire Empire.

His magic is telekinesis and trajectory. He can control the path of any weapon he uses using trajectory. There is a rumour that the Belet family's rank will be raised as Duchy.

The Marquises and the others were talking among themselves.

"Sigh~ Never in my life have I encountered such a thing."

"I know how you feel."

"It could be considered a bad omen."

"You are right."

"They were so nasty. I have seen so many disgusting monsters but not like that one."

"As if it came straight out of hell."


"Well, whatever the case is, we will have to deal with it."

While adjusting his glass, Wendell said.

"Yes Yes."

Gellius said while rolling his eyes.

"But until when-"

"Grand Duke Roberto Silverwind is entering."

And everyone became silent.

"Greetings, Grand Duke Roberto."

Wendell greeted Roberto.


Wendell: "Now that the Grand Duke is here, let's start the meeting."

Morth: "So from what we know, it is a new kind of monster of unknown origin."

"And there's no way of knowing that. I mean, they turn into friggin ash!"

Lambert said with annoyance.

"Yes. So there's no way to study their corpses."

Morth said worriedly.

Marquise 1: "That seems to be the case."

Marquise 4: "So we don't have much information about them."

"Hmmm. Gellius, did you notice anything today?"

Wendell asked Gellius.

Gellius: "The stench. It was worse today than yesterday. Yuck. Even remembering it makes me disgusted."

"And it seems like their number increased by double than yesterday too."

Lambert added to Gellius's statement.

"But other normal monster numbers have decreased normally as the temperature is decreasing."

Morth said while touching his chin.

"Damn it! Don't tell me they are gonna be there even when it snows!"

Gellius said with a look of horror on his face. He has Bromidrophobia. Although more than fear, he seems to despise bad smells.

Marquise 3: "But that doesn't make any sense!"

Marquise 2: "They don't even seem to be pregnant!"

Marquise 1: "You're right!"

"Then why the fuck are they even trying to get out of that forest?!"

Lambert said angrily.

Murmur* Murmur*

The whole room was in chaos.

Roberto stayed silent the whole time. Then he suddenly said,

"It seems like we have no other choice but to wait until it starts snowing. What do you think, Wendell?".

The whole room became silent.

"That seems to be the best we can do for now."

"All right. It's settled then. We will wait until snowfall and will decide what to do and what not to. Any objection?"

No one said anything.

"All right then. Return to your tent."

Morth: "I assume that is for the best."


Marquise 3: "Yes. Then please excuse us."

"Oh, Wendell. Stay here for a bit."


After everyone left Roberto asked Wendell,

"So when is Daniel coming?"

"Sigh~ Don't ask me. I have sent him letters a hundred times. But there wasn't any reply."

"Tomorrow join my squad to slaughter the monsters."

"Ah- Okay."

"Tch! The situation is getting serious…"


"I have a feeling it's going to get worse in a few days."

Roberto said with a serious tone.




The Day of the Royal Banquet

Bloodhorn Forest

Near the Western Border of Ashoron Territory.


Slash* Slash*

The Western part was filled with the sound of slashing swords, monsters deadly growl and-

"Aghh! Shit! Go away!"

Gellius's curse-filled with disgust.


Gellius activated his magic as the monsters started to get closer to him. And-


All the rat monsters exploded and-


Turned into burning ashes.

"I should have used magic from the beginning."

Screech* Screech*

Suddenly more rats started coming out of the forest.

"Aghh! I hate these motherf*king rats!"

Gellius screamed angrily.

Slash* Slash*

The Knights continued to slaughter the monsters while slashing their sword using auras.


Boom* Boom*

And Gellius continued to use Explosion…




Bloodhorn Forest

Near the Southern Border of Ashoron Territory.

Screech* Screech*

"Damn it! Why are there so many of these bast*rds!"

Lambert said while slashing his sword fiercely.



"This is never gonna end! Let's finish them using magic."

Lambert said at the increasing number of monsters.

"Yes, sir!"



Lambert used Wide-ranged water magic. A wave of water crushed the rats.



It killed every rat in sight. But suddenly-

Screech* Screech*

Another wave of monsters started running towards them from the Forest.

"What the fu*k? This is too much! Where in the hell are they coming from?"

Lambert said with annoyance.





And this continued until evening.




Bloodhorn Forest

Near the Northern Border of Ashoron Territory.

"Sir Morth, there's too many today!"

The Knights said while slashing their swords.

Slash* Slash*


"Tell me something I don't know."

Morth said loudly while slashing the monsters. After a while, he activated his magic.


His eyes turned bright yellow. And


Lines of lightning simultaneously struck the monsters.



The monsters died in an instant and turned into ashes.

Morth and the others used both magic and swordsmanship from the beginning. As they have to use magic anyways to slaughter them. If it were previous days, they would've all been slaughtered by now. But today their number seems to be the same as it was in the beginning.

And in the previous days, if a group of monsters was slaughtered, it took half an hour or so for another swarm to reach the Knights. But that's not the case for the past 2 days.

"Let's just continue using magic and swordsmanship. We have to continue until they are all gone."

Slash* Slash*

"Yes, Sir."

The Knights replied while slashing their swords.




Bloodhorn Forest

Near the Eastern Border of Ashoron Territory.

Slash* Slash*


It was the same on the Eastern border too. No… It was worse. Besides those rat-like monsters, there were goblins and other monsters too.

"Are you serious? There are too many! Aghh! And this nasty stench!"

Wendell said while slashing his sword.

Slash* Slash*


One monster turned to ashes and-


Another appeared.

"That f*king Daniel! When the heck is he gonna come?!"

Unlike his usual calm self, Wendell cursed Daniel while fighting the monsters.



The monsters continued growling.


Thud* Thud*

Suddenly with a loud stomping noise, an orc lord appeared.



Wendell's eyes started glowing up.


And the orc lord stopped. Wendell used telekinesis and started controlling the orc Lord. He then made the orc Lord fight the rat monsters. And in the process both the Orc Lord and the rat monsters killed themselves.

Thud* Thud* Thud*

Suddenly more orc lords started approaching them.

"Shit! Roberto!"

"Don't worry! I'm gonna take care of them!"

Roberto assured Wendell.

"But there's too many!"

Wendell warned Roberto.

But despite Wendell's warning, Roberto jumped up using his ice magic. And started slaughtering them using his ice sword.

"Shit! That bastard never listens."

While cursing, Wendell increased his pace of slaughtering the monsters.

But they were coming from all directions. Suddenly an orc lord attacked Roberto from behind!


Wendell screamed with his telepathy to make Roberto aware.

Before Roberto could look behind, the monster attacked him. And-



Growl~ Whimper*

Suddenly that monster caught on fire. Everyone knew what that meant.

"Ahahaha! Apologies for my tardiness!"

Red hair, bright golden eyes… And brilliant fire magic. It was Daniel.

"Why are you so late, damn it!"

Wendell said angrily.

"Don't be so angry! I brought some comrades. Hahaha!"

Daniel replied with a silly smile.

Roberto got down on the ground after killing the rest of the Orc Lords and continued slashing monsters with his sword aura.

Slash* Slash*

Daniel's companions were slashing the monsters skillfully.



Daniel used his fire magic and started burning the monsters.


Daniel: "Anyways, what are these?! Yuck-"

Wendell: "Well, this is what we've been dealing with since day 1."

Daniel: "Umm… I guess it was better to be late then."

Wendell: "...."

After coming to Ashoron, Daniel and his companions came to the border right away. They divided into 4 groups and joined the other squads as reinforcement.


Slash* Slash*

"Tch! Annoying."

And Crackle*

Roberto used a wide range spell and froze the whole ground along with the monsters.


Among the monsters, the rat one's soon turned into glittering powders.

There weren't any monsters left, nor were there any coming out of Bloodhorn.

Same for the other squads. With the help of reinforcement, they also eradicated the monsters.

Huff* Huff*

Everyone was silent for a moment. They had been fighting since the morning.

Suddenly Roberto felt a cold tingling sensation on his face. Roberto looked up and forwarded his hand.

It was snowing.


The Knights started cheering as it started snowing.

It's over.

'I'm coming. Please wait a little more… Isabella.'




Near the Northern Border of Ashoron Territory.


The Knights were cheering.

"Yes! It's snowing! It's snowing! Aghh! There won't be any nasty smell! The smell of snow! Yes~"

Gellius was overjoyed while watching the snow.

Everyone laughed while watching him.


"Anyways, thanks for joining the fight."

Gellius thanked the comrades that joined as reinforcements.

"Nah~ We were late anyway!"

They replied shyly while scratching their head with one hand.




Near the Southern Border of Ashoron Territory.


The Knights cheered with joy.

Lambert: "Yess~ No more of those nasty rats. Anyways thanks for joining the battle. You guys were of great help."

"No worries."


"And we were late anyway. Hahaha!"




Near the Northern Border of Ashoron Territory.

Slash* Slash*


"What are these! We've never seen these before!"

"And we've been dealing with this shit for a month now!"

Suddenly it started snowing. The rat-like monsters, every single one of them, became dust as soon as it started snowing.

Everyone was silent for a moment.


The Knights screamed with joy.

Huff* Huff*

"Finally! We can return now! Thank God we don't have to fight them in the snow."


Morth sighed with huge relief.

"Anyways thanks for coming. Although you guys were late."

"Ahh~ Ahahaha."

And the reinforcement knights laughed awkwardly.

Pfft! Ahaahahaha!

The whole squad burst into laughter. And it was the end of their month-long battle.