Chapter 5: Departure To The Fellmirr Empire (Part 1)

Episode 14

(Wedding in Loire)




The Loire Empire


The Royal Palace.


Beautiful crystal-like snow was falling on the ground. It was beautiful, yes… but cold.

I closed the window and went near the fireplace. I sat on a furry mattress that was placed in front of the fireplace. It was freezing. So I took my shawl and wrapped it around me.


The firewood was burning while making popping and crackling sounds. It's warm.

I don't know but seeing a burning fire gives a strange strength. I want to live…


"I will have to fulfil my promise…"

But why am I so obsessed with fulfilling a promise? Well, it was Grandfather's last wish.

Come to think of it, I can't remember what happened…


Suddenly I felt an aching pain in my head. It hurts so much. I can't think about that time. I can't remember!

Now that I think about it, it's not only that time-


My head started aching again.

Huff* Huff*

I had trouble breathing.



Just like before, Isabella's sapphire ring glowed brightly and a blueish transparent barrier started circling her.

The barrier was there for a minute. And in those minutes Isabella didn't even wink her eyes.

But in a minute the light on her ring stopped glowing and the barrier disappeared.

Isabella returned to normal.



What was I thinking again? I forgot. It was something important.


Knock* Knock*

It's the middle of the night. Who could it be? Don't tell me… Is it the Emperor?

I flinched. I won't be able to bear the beating again. I asked nervously,

"Wh-who is it?"

"Princess, it's time for you to prepare for the ceremony."

Oh! I completely forgot about that.

There will be two wedding ceremonies. One in the Loire and the other in Fellmirr.

The Loire's ceremony will be tomorrow morning before my departure to Fellmirr. The ceremony will be held in the Royal Hall as the wedding was very important for the two nations. And the Emperor himself will officiate the wedding.


I got up from the mattress.

"Come in."


"Greetings, My Lady. We have prepared a warm bath for you."


Then the maids started to undress me.

After that, I got into the bath. It was really warm. It felt good. And there were different kinds of massages in the process.

After hours, my bath was completed. It was already dawn. As I took a bath in Rosewater, my whole body smelled like Rose.

After getting out of the bath, the maids got busy drying my hair and doing my makeup.

The maids braided my hair. They put different kinds of flower-shaped crystal accessories on the braid. Then they brought the ceremony dress.

A white dress filled with crystals. It was an off-shoulder dress with puffy sleeves.

It took a while to put on the dress. It was already morning. The maids hurriedly put the remaining accessories on me. A headpiece made of crystals, a chain, and an earring.

After everything was finished, they put on the veil. It was a really long white veil with crystals on it.

And after a while, it was time for me to go to the Royal Hall.

It's weird. Two years ago I never imagined marrying someone who isn't Roberto. But here I am…

While walking down the hallway, I felt heavy, nervous. Not because of all the accessories nor because of the heavy crystal-made dress. But at the thought that I can get out of this place, from this hell.

However, the place I am going to… Is it another hell for me? Or will it be my heaven? Thousands of questions were swirling inside my mind.

And in a while, I reached in front of the Royal Hall.

"First Princess, Isabella Von Hagen Loire is entering the hall!"


With a loud noise, the giant door opened.

Step* Step*

I slowly entered the Royal hall.

The Emperor was at the very front. Then Crown Prince. Every Noble family joined the ceremony. But the hall was totally silent.

I walked forward to the front podium looking down. Then I stood facing him… Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr.

Strangely when I looked at him, all my nervousness went away. He is beautiful. Black hair, deep blue eyes and a beauty spot under his right eye. His deep blue eyes gazing at me… takes my breath away. I looked down.

"Today making the Sun as the witness, I, Emperor Mathias Von Goldrudder Loire, is tying First Princess of Loire Isabella Von Hagen Loire's and The Crown Prince of Fellmirr Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr's fate together.

May your union bring peace upon the two Empires.

May you stay beside each other in both happiness and sadness, both hard times and happy times.

May your fate intertwine for eternity.

Now seal these vows with a kiss."

I felt overwhelmed with all the vows and a bit shy too. A kiss?

Suddenly the Crown Prince removed the veil from my face. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel his intense gaze. All of a sudden, he pulled me close to him and said,

"Princess… May I?".

I slightly nodded and tightly closed my eyes. He then kissed my forehead.

"The Rings."

As the Emperor's order, a Royal servant handed over a ring to me. It was a beautiful platinum ring with amethyst.



I forwarded my right hand.

While holding my hand gently, the Crown Prince kissed my hand. Then he put the ring on my ring finger. It was a platinum ring with a sapphire stone on it. It's the colour of his eyes. I heard that the rings were brought from Fellmirr.

Soon after, The Crown Prince forwarded his right hand. I put the Amethyst ring on his ring finger.

"May this glorified union remain in history for eternity."

Clap* Clap*

Murmur* Murmur*

The whole room filled with applause and chattering.

The Emperor then moved from the podium.

"Princess, are you ready? We will have to depart now."

Ready? Well, there is no one left for me to want to stay here.

"Yes. But can I visit my grandfather's grave before that?"

"Sure, Princess."

'I am not a princess anymore.'

Even though I wanted to say that, I stayed silent. I don't have anything left here. Nothing.




After greeting all the Nobles, I went to my grandfather's grave. He was buried beside Grandmother.

To reach there, one had to walk across the Royal garden. It was snowing. I slowly started walking across the garden.

It made me remember all my memories of this place. All of them… The good ones and the bad ones.

After walking for a while, I reached there. The surroundings of his grave were filled with different kinds of red flowers. So beautiful.

"So this is Emperor Mathias's grave, Princess?"

I flinched and looked back. It was him.

"Why do you look so surprised, Princess? I've been with you from the very beginning."

"Uhh~ I didn't notice. I apologize."

"Apologize? Princess, do you not want me to come here?"

"It's not that. I didn't expect that you would want to come here."

"Well, I have to give my greetings to the once greatest magician and also my princess's grandfather."

"Ah- I see."

Then he closed his eyes and showed his respect to grandfather.

Suddenly the necklace that my grandfather gave me, the one I am wearing as a ring now, started glowing brightly.

A strong wind started blowing. The snow of that place stopped flowing. And it blew all the flower petals. The red petals were swirling around us.

'What's going on?'

I looked around with surprise. Then I looked at Leonus.

He was still giving his respect with his eyes closed.

Is it a sign grandfather...? Did you give him your blessings?

What am I supposed to do?