Chapter 5: Departure to The Fellmirr Empire (Part 2)

Episode 15


After a while, Leonus opened his eyes. And the ring stopped glowing and the swirling flower petals dropped. And it started snowing again as if it never stopped, to begin with.

"I should go back now."

Saying that Leonus started going back.

"Okay. Let me show you the way."

"It's okay. You don't have to."


"I can go back on my own."

Then Leonus hurriedly left the place.

I saw him disappearing in the cold snow.


It was so cold that I could see my breath. This place is cold just like the people here.

"I'm leaving this place, Grandfather. I hope it won't be another hell. Give me your blessing..."




After a while, I returned to my room.

The maids hurried up to change my dress to a comfortable one. It was a green dress. After changing the dress, I wore emerald head jewellery. The maids then did my makeup and left the room.

I was alone in my room. All of my stuff were already taken out. It felt really empty. Even the bed and other furniture were taken out. It made me realize how insignificant of a creature I am here.

"Wait… they took the bookshelf too! Where is the book that grandfather gave me?"

Now that I think about it, I kept a book under the bed the other day. But the whole room is empty.

I started searching for the book that I brought recently from my grandfather's library.

Knock* Knock*

While searching, I heard Knocking on the door.

"My Lady, May I come in?"

It was Anne. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her since yesterday morning.

"Come in."


"My Lady, I've prepared my luggage. And yours too."

"I see. What about my books?"

"Tch! Shut up! I've already packed all of your belongings."

"Are you sure you've taken the book and mothe-"

"Don't worry. Nobody wants anything of yours here."


"And why didn't you eat your food yesterday? Do you know how hard it is to bring food here!"

"Ah! That-"

"Anyways I brought food now. Eat it."

"Leave it here. Take the luggage that you've prepared to the Knights. They'll place it in the carriages."

"Yes. Yes. I have to do all your stupid work."

Anne replied while rolling her eyes.

"Anyways make sure to eat the food today."


After that, Anne left the room.


I should eat the food. It will be a long journey to Fellmirr anyways.

Anne brought some hard bread with butter and water. As I was really hungry, it didn't really matter what I was eating.

After finishing my food, I heard Knocking on my door.

Knock* Knock*

"Princess, It's time for you to leave."

It was the Knights.


As I was leaving this room, I felt empty. Even though this room isn't glamorous like other Noble ladies', I loved it. How many nights have I passed in this room! So many memories… The window seat… the view…

"I am leaving…"

Step* Step*

And I slowly walked out of the room after greeting it for the last time. Even though not the people, I hope the things of this place will bid me farewell.




The Knights escorted me to the front gate. Albert was standing in front to supervise everything.

"Greetings, Princess."

"Greetings, Albert."

"I hope you will have a happy life in Fellmirr, Princess."

I could feel the generosity from his voice and expression.

"Thank you."

"And His Majesty said he couldn't come because of work."

"It's okay."

I hoped he wouldn't come.

The front of the gate was almost filled with horses and carriages. And there was a gorgeous carriage standing in the middle.

Suddenly the Crown Prince started walking towards me. Then he forwarded his hands and said,

"Princess, Let's go.".


"Farewell, Princess."

"You too Albert."

I then put my hand on Leonus's hand. Leonus escorted me to the carriage.

"Princess, we will have to continue the journey in the carriage."


"I will ride the horse. If you need anything, just give a sign."

"I will."

"And don't get out of the carriage, Princess. It's dangerous."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

"Leonus, Princess. You don't plan on calling your husband 'Your Highness', right?"

"Huh? But how can I-"

"It's only you, Princess."


"You are the only one who is allowed to call me that, Princess."

I was speechless for a moment. My face felt hot. Ahh~ What is wrong with me? I hurriedly looked away.

"So call me Leonus from now on, Princess."

I slightly nodded my head.

Then Leonus kissed my hand and closed the carriage door. The carriage was as comfortable inside as it was glamorous outside.


Suddenly Anne opened the door and got in.

"Princess! I can't ride those shabby carriages! If the Knights ask, tell them that you want me here. My back will break while riding those things."


"It's so comfortable here. I can't believe you were going to ride this carriage all by yourself."


"Whatever. I don't need any of your excuses. You should be grateful that I am accompanying you to that place."

"I am."

I was really grateful. I know how hard she worked for me. How she is leaving her family to go there with me. She really cares a lot about me.



And suddenly I heard the horses starting to move. And in a minute, the carriage started to move too.

Rustle* Rustle*

I looked through the carriage window. The Knights were riding on their horses.

Some knights were at the front and some behind. The carriage I was riding was in the middle. Leonus was riding his horse just next to the carriage.

"My Lady! What are you doing? You mustn't look outside like that! You are a lady! And they are just some knights!"

"But I was just looking at the view."

"I told you to not look outside. They will think of you as an unmannerly lady! I am saying this for your own good, My Lady."

"Ah. Okay."

Then Anne closed the curtains of the carriage.

I could hear people cheering outside. I wanted to see that, as I've never been outside before. But I can't let them think I'm an uncultured lady.


Guess I will have to continue my journey like this.

I leaned on the side of the carriage and closed my eyes.



Clap* Clap*

I could hear everyone's cheering and chattering.

Guess I just have to be happy with listening.

And this is how my long journey to the Fellmirr Empire begins.