Chapter 5: Departure to The Fellmirr Empire (Part 3)

Episode 16

(Red Eyes)




When we reached the capital front gate, it was already afternoon. It will be evening in an hour or so.

Suddenly the carriage stopped. I wonder what happened…

"Why did they suddenly stop?"

Anne asked.

"I have no idea."

"Well, whatever."

Saying that Anne started to sleep in her seat.

I slowly removed the curtain a little bit and saw 3 or 4 people were talking with the Fellmirr group. Although I couldn't see their faces. Judging by their outfits, I could tell they are from Aristocrats. I wonder who they are.

Regarding my curiosity, those people got out of the front gate. And the carriage started to move again. And we passed the Capital front gate.

I could see those Aristocrats who went out of the front gate a while ago, were waiting outside the gate riding their horses. There were Knights too.

"Lady Isabella! What are you doing! I told you not to look outside. Can't you stay still?"


"Don't give me your excuses and sit still."


"Can't even sleep peacefully."

"I was just curious. I won't do it again."

"You'd better."

I leaned on one side. This is the first time I'm out of the Capital. I wonder what the outside world is like. I closed my eyes. And in a while, without realising I fell asleep.




A few moments ago.

Outside the Front Gate of the Capital.

All the Nobles that went on the Winter Expedition to Ashoron Territory have returned. Although Daniel didn't return. He went to the Greycastle Territory.

Anyways The nobles who have returned will have to report their expedition to the Royal Court first. Then a banquet will be held for them. After that, they can return to their territory.

"I apologize, Young Master. You will have to wait a little bit."

The Knight guarding the front gate said.

Lambert: "What? You do know who you are talking to, right?"

"Pardon me! The Crown Prince of the Fellmirr Empire will be returning through this gate in a moment."

Gellius: "What? The Crown Prince of Fellmirr?"

Lambert: "Where is he? I want to meet him."

Gellius: "Lambert, let's go together."

Roberto: "Tch! Just let them go. It will just take more time talking with them."

Wendell: "But Grand Duke, aren't you curious how they look?"

Roberto: "No."

Lambert: "But we are."

Morth: "Who knows what the Crown Prince looks like!"

Gellius: "And the Knights too."

Roberto: "Tch! Just go. And hurry back. The Knights are tired."

Gellius: "What? You are the one who made all of us return to the Capital in hurry, Grand Duke."

Roberto glared at Gellius.

Roberto: "You said something?"

Gellius: "No."

Morth: "We will just go. Don't worry. We will hurry up."

Wendell, Gellius, Lambert and Morth hurriedly went to talk with the Knights of Fellmirr. And they were obviously surprised.

After a while, they returned and got back on their horses.

Wendell: "I never imagined that they would be this good."

Lambert: "I know right!"

Morth: "Their manner, clothes… everything was very sophisticated."

Gellius: "And I thought they would smell as they are beasts. But nothing like that."

Roberto: "Well, you guys sure look surprised."

Lambert: "You will be surprised when you see them too."

Wendell: "Certainly."

Roberto: "Anyways why did they come to our Empire?"

Wendell: "Oops! Totally forgot to ask that."

Roberto: "(-_-). Ah! Whatever."

After a while, the main Front gate opened and Leonus and his group got out of the Capital.

Morth: "I wonder why they need a luxurious carriage?

Lambert: "Yes. They surely didn't bring any lady with them."

Wendell: "I asked if they brought any Lady with them from Fellmirr. And they said 'No.'"

Gellius: "Well, if you say so."

Roberto: "Whatever. It has nothing to do with us. Let's just go. Or are you planning on standing in front of the gate the whole day?"

Gellius: "Yes. I'm exhausted."

Then they started moving their horses towards the Capital while side-crossing Leonus and his group.

Roberto was riding his horse just next to the carriage, where his beloved Isabella was. What Roberto didn't know was that his Isabella, for whom he is so eager to return, was on that carriage.





After a while, I woke up. My stomach was aching badly. It felt like someone was reaping it apart.


"What happened now?"

"My stomach… It hurts."

"What? How bad can it be? Stop acting."

"I am not-"


"Princess, are you okay?"

Suddenly Leonus asked from outside.


"She is alright."

Isabella's words got cut off by Anne.


Suddenly the carriage stopped. Leonus opened the carriage door.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness. I am Ann-"

"Get out."


"I told you to get out. Don't make me repeat myself."

"But the princess told me to stay with her."

"I will stay with her. So get out."

'Shit! What am I supposed to do? What if he finds out I mixed something to her food?'

"You're gonna get out or not?"

Suddenly Leonus's eyes turned Red. He seemed furious.

"I am getting out."

'If I don't get out now, I have a feeling I will die.'

Anne hurriedly got out of the carriage.

Then Leonus got in.

"Princess, don't stay with her too much."

"I apologize. I shouldn't have done that. It will probably damage your reputation as I was staying with a maid."

"That's not it, Princess."

"Huh? I apologize. I-"

"Sigh~ Why are you always apologising?"


"Where is it?"


"Where does it hurt, Princess?"

"Huh? Nowhere. I am fine."

"Is it your stomach?"


"You are holding your stomach, Princess."


Suddenly Leonus came close to me then put his hand over my stomach and mumbled something.

Suddenly his eyes turned Red and my stomach stopped hurting.

"Goodnight, Princess."


I felt really drowsy. I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep over him.




"We will set our camp here."

"But Your Highness, if you go just a little bit we can reach the portal."

"No. We will continue in the morning."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

And the group stopped and made their camp in the forest.

Lorenzo: "Pfft! He can't wait anymore."

Randall: "Hahaha. Shh! He will hear you."

Lorenzo: "Well, she is really beautiful."

"I'll kill you."

Lorenzo: "What? Why are you threatening me, bro?"

Lorenzo looked at Randall. He thought Randall said that but Randall was sweating.

Lorenzo: "Aghh! Crap!"

"If I hear one more word, I'll kill you."

Lorenzo: "I apologize, Your Highness."

Then Randall and Lorenzo hurriedly went away from the carriage. All the soldiers made their camp away from the carriage.

Blaine: "Nobody is allowed to go near the carriage."

"Yes. Hahaha."

The Knights then laughed and started chattering. They were sitting around a bonfire. It was a cold yet warm atmosphere.