Chapter 5: Departure to The Fellmirr Empire (Part 4)

Episode 17

(Embarrassing Morning)




Chirp* Chirp*

I can hear bird's chirping. It's probably morning. Something is different from usual. I can feel a strange warmth. I don't want to wake up.


Isabella was feeling the BED by touching it… or that's what she thought.

'What is this? It's definitely not a pillow. And it's too sturdy for a bed.'

But wait… Where am I?

"Princess, are you awake?"

I flinched and opened my eyes. I saw Leonus's face right in front of me. I panicked and tried to jump up but Leonus held me tightly.

"Princess, calm down. You are gonna fall."

I tried to look behind. Aghh! We are lying on the right seat of the carriage. It was such a position that if I move even a little bit, I am gonna fall in the middle for sure.

"I apologize, Your Highness. I can't remember how I fell asleep."

"Princess, Leon."


"I told you to call me Leon."

"But I'm still…"



"What is it, Princess?"

"I'm still not comfortable."

"I see. Then just call me Leonus."

"Huh? But how is that diffe-"

"It is different, Princess."


"No buts, Princess. Now call me."


"Call me Leonus."

"Ah~ Now?"

"Yes. I'm not gonna let you move until you do, Princess."


"Yes. So you'd better hurry up."


"What? I didn't hear, princess."




I closed my eyes and said softly. My face turned red. Aghh! I've never called someone by name like that.


Suddenly Leonus lifted me and got up. Then he sat me on the carriage seat and got out of the carriage without saying anything.


What a relief! But why did he leave suddenly? Did he not like it? He really hates me. Anyways, how did I even fall asleep?

So embarrassing! I can just die!

Anyways, the carriage is really big. It's like an entire room. 8 people can comfortably sit here. It has two seats on two sides like a normal carriage but is much bigger. The seats were covered with white furry mattresses. It's really soft and comfortable. The windows were quite large too.

Knock* Knock*

"Princess, the Crown Prince sent me to help you get prepared."

"Come in."


"Greetings, Crown Princess."

"Greetings. Raise your head."

The maid then brought a bowl of warm water and helped me freshen up.

My accessories were already removed. The maid probably removed them.

The maid then started to put on the necklace.

"Don't. I don't want to wear it. Just put on the head jewellery."

"As you wish, Crown Princess."

The maid did a high ponytail with a red ribbon. Then she put on the headpiece.

"Umm. Do you know where Anne is?"

"Oh! That maid with freckles?"


"She is cooking for everyone."

"I see. Can you call her?"

"Pardon me, Princess. The Crown Prince himself ordered her to do that."

"Oh. I apologize for bothering you then."

"No way. It's an honour to serve you, Princess."


I am grateful. It's the first time someone said that to me. I smiled without knowing.

The girl blushed after seeing Isabella smile.

'She is so beautiful! She must be an angel.'

"Then excuse me. I will be back in a moment."

The girl then bowed and got out of the carriage.

I removed the ring that Grandfather gave me from my finger and put it on my palm. And in the blink of an eye, it turned back to a chain with a beautiful sapphire pendant.

It's amazing no matter how many times I see this!

I wonder how. How it changes to the exact thing I imagine.

But I guess I will never know. Since I…


Nevermind. I shouldn't think about things I can not change no matter what.

After a while, the girl returned with breakfast. It was as usual bread, butter and soup.

But it was delicious. I forgot how delicious bread can be. I finished my breakfast happily.

"What is your name?"


"When will we continue the journey, Ella?"

"After the Knights finish their meal."

"I see. Can I go out for a bit?"

"Of course, Crown Princess. But wait here for a bit."

Ella got out of the carriage and brought a shawl. Then she started wrapping it around me.

"Your pendant is beautiful, Princess."

"Ahh- This… My grandfather gave it to me. So I try to wear it every day."

Isabella touched the pendant with one hand and said with a gentle smile.

"You must love your Grandfather very much."

"Yes. I do."

"Anyways Princess. You are done. You can go out now."

Ella said after wrapping the shawl around me.

After that, I got up and went out of the carriage.

"Greetings, Crown Princess."


"Greetings, Crown Princess."

All the Knights bowed and started greeting.

"Greetings! Please raise your head."

The Knights then raised their heads.

"How are you feeling, Your Highness?"

"I am feeling better. Thank you."

Everyone then asked about my whereabouts. It was the first time anyone asked about that after my Grandfather's death. I felt overwhelmed.

"Greetings, Princess. I'm Blaine Ainsworth, Vice-Captain of the Carados Knight Squad."

"Greetings, Vice-Captain."

"Are you looking for His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Umm. N-"

"He is on the lake."


"Yes. It's on that side."

Blaine pointed at the right side of the forest.

"You just have to walk straight. And you will be there in a minute."

"I see. But I don't want to go there. I just want to walk around here."

I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Oh, I see. Then please let me escort you."

"Ah, But I want to be alone."

"But, Princess… Captain will kill me if I let you go alone."

"Ahh~ Okay."

I started walking around.


The smell of the fresh wind... Pure white snow was falling from the sky.

Everything I can see is covered with white cloak snow. The pine trees, the green grass, everything. The carriage probably stopped in the middle of a forest.

"How beautiful!"

Suddenly I felt a breath behind my ear.

"What, Princess?"

I flinched and tried to look behind. But he held me back. Then put his head on my shoulder and hugged me from behind.

"You didn't tell me, Princess. What's beautiful?"

"Uhh- That-"


"Th-the snow."


"The snow?"


"You're prettier, Princess."


"Nothing. Let's go back. You will catch a cold."


Then Leonus escorted me back to the carriage. On my way back, I didn't see Blaine anywhere. He probably went back to the camp.

"We will go to the Portal now, Princess. From there we will reach the Fellmirr Empire's Border."

"I see."

"If you feel unwell, let me know right away."


Then Leonus took a strand of my hair and kissed it.

"See you in a while, Princess."

I blushed and hurriedly went inside the carriage.

Aghh! Something is wrong with me! Why does it feel so hot?! It's probably because the inside of the carriage is warm. I fanned myself with my hand.

After a while, I looked through the carriage window. The Knights put out the bonfires. They already disarranged their tent.


The Knights started to ride their horses.


After a while, the carriage started to move.


The cold wind started to get into the carriage. I shut the window off as it was getting too cold.