What Is In The Package?

Azazel took a long deep breath and slowly walked towards her. He stood behind her and gazed intently at her, watching as her head moved from one side to another in the rhythm of the song she was listening to.

He let out yet another deep breath and cautiously strolled over to stand in front of her, blocking her view.

Leia slowly raised her head and her body stilled on seeing who it was. She looked at him, uttering not a single word, and Azazel cleared his throat. "Hi." He smiled awkwardly at her, and Leia arched her brow, not in any way fazed by the fact that the boy standing in front of her looked exactly like her. 

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?" She asked in a very unfriendly tone, and a cynical sigh exited from Azazel's mouth.