
Jenny clutched her cheek in disbelief and Amanda, who immediately realized what she did, darted her eyes around in a bit of remorse.

"Did you just slap me?" Jenny questioned her, still skeptical about what had just happened.

Amanda cleared her throat and scoffed arrogantly, as though she did not regret what she had just done. "Well, you deserved it for being too nosy." She haughtily tilted her chin up, and with a proud look on her face, she walked past Jenny and strolled towards the stairs.

Enraged by all this, Jenny fumed as she walked towards her and grabbed her harshly by the arms, turning her around and brutally slapping the arrogance and hell out of her. "Next time you try such nonsense, you will regret it." She threatened and stormed up the stairs, leaving Amanda staring at her dumbfounded.


Adrik arrived home after a long day and made his way upstairs and to his room. He pushed the door open and stepped in, shutting it behind him.