

I look at that 'child' standing there, observing the surroundings with a tired look on his face. He is strong enough to fight against 'him', but the Gods won't be happy. No, when they find that such a monster has been called upon in this world, they will unite to fight against him. This isn't something he or his party can handle right now.

'For now, that is. At least there is hope in the future. Since I have already found him, let's help him until he gets strong enough to be able to stand against a lower God on his own. If it's him, he should be able to do it.'

I then look at the Handsome teenager who is cleaning his scythe with a smile on his face. A small smile forms on my face as I look at him.

'Lucifer, someday I'll save you as well. I might not be strong enough to do that, right now, but I promise, my love, that I'll save you and take you back to the place where you rightly belong.'