Alfheim#12 Heaven's Library

"He will be your teacher for the next few months." Istan speaks with a descriptive voice as he looks at me, then at the children.

The children have confused faces as they look at me before realising that they didn't really misheard anything. A stunned expression forms on their face as their eyes turn wide open and they observe me from head to toe for a few moments.

As for Cirdan, his curiosity must have been piqued by quite a lot because he was intensely staring at me without holding back.

I look at the children for a few moments and then at the Elves present in the library who are doing their work. Looks like they did not hear anything.

'Must be the Library's Magic so as to minimise disturbance within this place,' Thinking that I once again look at the Library before observing the lids in front of me as I begin to speak,