Twists And Turns#6


'I...wonder...if it's my fate…? To die in this war…?'

I look at the Devil right in front of me, looking at me without any emotions as she moves to attack me. I dodge her attacks slowly and observe her carefully, her moves which are terrifying and her eyes that keep searching for the best possible way to kill me.

" really don't remember me?" I question her once again as I observe her with a sliver of hope, only to be disappointed in the end as I get no answer to my question, but only further attacks.


"Bailey Lira Ersae and Ea Oris Plansee. You are both engaged now. Your marriage will proceed in one week according to the Elves' tradition," the vicar spoke as he looked at us with a smile and everyone clapped.

It was the best moment of my marry the girl I have always loved, to get the chance to live with the girl I have always looked at from behind. I could not be any more happy.