Corey V/S Aisha


Currently, I am sitting along with my….niece? I am eating some fruits which she is serving me with a smile on her face.

'Where did that dangerous girl go? The one that felt like she could kill you in the blink of an eye?' I take a bite from some form of sweet fruit that she presented to me. 


'It's actually good. Wait? What is this situation?' I think as I recall back the information that she told me before.

("Your brother is my dad. I am your niece, Uncle Corey. Glad to have you on board, even though I am probably older than you, hehe," she said before leaving with a happy smile as she walked in a jolly mood. Both me and the other person who was there looked at her with pure stupefaction before looking at each other. Then he blinked a few more times and then untied me.)