Corey V/S Aisha#3



And my air attack hits her.

A smile forms on my face as I see her shocked face. I recall back what my brother said about special people and special ways to fight against someone who can predict all your moves.

(" Listen Icelos and also, Phantasos, you too come here. Sometimes you see, no matter how cunning you are, in the end there are people who end up seeing all your next moves, no matter what you do. In that condition, there is little you can do, but I have something that I am about to teach you that will help you fight and, at worst, run away in that situation. In your circles, I have added traces of space amplification circles, too. You probably won't be able to use space magic to fight at all, but you can actually use it to create an attack that shouldn't even exist before… how?" Morpheus smiles before proceeding to explain…)