The Snow of Winter Alfheim#7


"F******CCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" I scream as I attack that creepy bastard Blood Creeper once again. Why? Cause that bastard Light just made me bait to handle the first group of the seven Blood Creepers that were coming in our direction. 

Running through the white forest, I keep attacking at that bastard and dodging its ridiculously fast attacks. Honestly, at this point, I am just instinctively dodging its attacks now. I sigh as I look at its state and another thought linger's in my mind as I recall that bastard's face once again.

'To reduce someone's power level by 10 times, just by using a bunch of mana circles… even though he is not Leader, he is still the most powerful member of our party. Had his power been more suited to offensive than support, he would have been a greater asset in this particular fight.