

It was a normal day…well, not like I can tell the difference between night and day at this point. Still, it was a normal time…

I was simply floating with emptiness in a void. No emotions except… sadness…??!!

'Hey! I am...sad? Did something happen?' I thought…wait I can think? Huh? Someone did something…I don't know what they did, but they really did something.

Then some time passed. Slowly and slowly, every second passed. I felt sad about my existence. Just what did I do to deserve this fate? Sigh…

I am such a pitiful existence, so pitiful that I can't control my anger…? Hmmm… Anger…and rage? I can feel rage now? Am I angry? It is… so beautiful to feel my emotions again. I wanted to shout and cry and I wanted to get back all of my emotions. 

Something is happening outside. Something is going on, but…what?