The God Of Rules#7


-Bang Bang

'How did it come to this?!!!' I run with a scared expression as I dodge the bullets sent by that Royal Guardian's minions. This isn't what I signed up for, just what is up with all these monsters after me?

I kept running and running as I dodge their attacks on me. They were literally thousands in number, with each one of them having power equal or higher than a King. 

I recall back a few days ago, the time when Porti left. I still had nothing special to do, so I looked for a quiet place to hide and wait for Porti to come back.

'But there has to be a Royal Guardian taking a nap there!!!' I curse as I keep running and running. That monster said that I disturbed his nap, so I must die… just what kind of logic is that? How come I disturbed his nap, when he was the one sleeping in an open forest? 

'Damn it! Just how unreasonable you can be?!!' I thought as I began pondering for a way out of this place.