Ciri and Eos meet Ria, the Saint of Darkness

Ciri walked one step behind Eos and looked around for anything that might be dangerous to her master. The political situation was not good in the city. The three main clans were in constant feud with each other, but lately, several people had died. It wouldn't be good if they got caught in the middle. And in front of them, there was a commotion.

Eos didn't seem to care, but Ciris' nerves were all on high alert. But it was unnecessary. Everyone moved as Eos walked and, many bowed to him. They knew who he was. But Ciri couldn't relax. There were always arrogant idiots who did stupid things out of ignorance.

How strong was her master? She had no idea. His cultivation was the last stage of the Qi Realm. But he was a supreme and, what did that mean except that his aura was terrifying. Rumor had it that he could appear from nowhere.., was it teleportation or shadow-walking? Teleportation was a skill that most immortals were incapable of using.

The uncertainty made her worry about his safety.

He was all she had, now and forever.

There was no doubt about that.

He was everything to her.

"When we get to the Yinpai sect, you will meet my blood sisters, Ria and Aria, and your senior sister, Nephele."

Ciri felt a twinge of envy. "My lord, is Nephele your first disciple and I'm your second?" She couldn't keep her voice steady. Why do I feel so jealous? She didn't like her own feelings but, she couldn't deny them. Eos, fortunately, didn't seem to notice.

"You are both Sea-Soul cultivators. Few reach that level. In most sects, only the strongest have that cultivation, and then it's usually one of the elders.

"No, that is for you to decide. If you don't want to, you don't need to do it." Ciri already knew she would never do it.

"Come, I can teleport us to the Wind Mountains and the gate to the Yinpai sect. It's in a small pocket dimension and, there's only one way in and, it's in the wind mountains," said Eos.

He turned Ciri in and put his arm around her waist. "You need to be close to me if I'm going to teleport you."

"Yes, my lord." A big smile rested on her lips.

It all happened so fast. One moment, they had been in the town Aremholt, and now they were standing in front of a large and richly decorated gate that was like a mirror.

"Are you all right?" Eos asked.

"Yes, master."

"There's no need to be afraid, ...but my sisters can be a bit...overwhelming to meet for the first time."

Eos smiled at her.

Together, they took a step through the mirror surface. A large garden lay before them, with rose-leaved flowering trees, flowing water, shimmering green grass, and, here and there small and large temple-like buildings.

Ciri just gaped. She had never experienced anything like it.

"Welcome home," said Eos.

A short distance from the gate sat a girl, with long black hair reaching down to her waist. Ciri couldn't see her face as the girl sat with her head bent, inspecting an inconspicuous sword with no decorations. But the sight made Ciri gasp. The air around her shimmered and, the girl was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. Ciri was sure it had to be one of his siblings.

"Hi, Ria," called Eos.

She was dressed in a gold and white-colored bra-like tube top that didn't cover a lot of her large plump breasts and had a white knee-length skirt with blue patterned decorations. Ciri couldn't help but feel her own breasts. It was clear that Ria was more well-endowed than herself.

'Did Eos prefer large breasts? What the... why am I thinking, about that? It's his sister. Ciri, come on, pull yourself together, Ciri thought.'

"Hey brother, who's with you?" Ria asked and, she stood up and looked at Ciri and Eos.

Rias' eyes were as black as her hair, and she sparkled and shone with enormous intensity. Ciri was an otherworldly beauty, but in comparison to Ria, she was mediocre. And the aura around Eos's sister was more than a little intimidating. Qi poured out of her in waves and, it was demonic Qi.

"Damn it, Ria. You have cultivated the 'Way of the Seven Sins'! " That was all Eos had time to say before the Qi-waves hit them.

'The Way of the Seven Sins,' thought Ciri.

Ciri could no longer stand but lay down on all fours, her mouth open and, she panted wildly. All sinful thoughts and feelings filled her. In a whirl of emotions, she was swept into a psychotic dream world.

The seven big sins: Gluttony, pride, greed, envy, anger, sloth and, lust.

She wanted it all, power, status and, she wanted him for herself. She felt anger and rage that he was not hers. She felt envy and couldn't understand why she wasn't his everything. Her body shook with anger and lust. And she saw Ria in her inner world. She wanted the goddess and to be the goddess... Ria.

Ciri struggled to keep her consciousness complete and not go insane. She felt her love juices running down the inner side of her thighs. And every now and then, an orgasm would come.

She wished to be between Ria's legs and taste her, and in the next moment dreamed about feeling Eos inside her. Anger took over and, hunger and pain were added.

All of a sudden the psychosis of hell vanished. It had only lasted a few seconds but, it had felt like several lifetimes. Ciri looked up at Eos with teary eyes, not noticing until now that both Eos and Ria were holding her.

"I'm sorry Ciri," Ria whispered in her ear.

"Don't do that again, Ria. Not here in our home... at least not near the gate and, don't do it without your sister cultivating 'The Seven Ways to Salvation.' next to you. The side effects on the surroundings are taken out, but you know that." Eos sounded angry, really angry.

"Forgive me, my dear brother, forgive me. I will not cultivate near the gate and not without Aria." Ria looked at Ciri and caressed her cheek.

Ciri now understood why Ria was the Saint of Darkness.