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Lifetime Companions

"Jess once told me he like to club while wearing a disguise on every Friday night irrespective of where he is. Yesterday, he asked to accompany him for some drinks as usual but because of the last night photoshoot, I refused. He got sad and told me he's going there alone."

"Wait, what's so serious here? He always wears that horrendous neon and call them fashion whenever he's spotted. Its good thing you refused." Kris scowls at the memory when the once went to club with him. It was a nightmare.

"So, what happened was this.." Brian showed him his mobile where the picture of Jess in same weird clothes, wearing disguise, was being held by police.

Both of them exclaims in shock.

"The hell. He did drugs? Since when?" Nick exclaimed.

"That's what I can't understand. He never did. Not even when we accompanied him to bar." Brian said.

"He's in deep mud this time. They caught him with drugs." Kris said examining the pictures.

"Sigh…I can't believe it." Brian said.

At that time John enters the room with Tan in his arms.

"Have you heard that irritating Jess is under arrest." John as Tan jumps in Nick's arms.

"Yeah, just now." Kris said.

"How many scandals it's been in this month? 10? 15? I lost the count now." John said as he joins them on couch.

"Ahh. I'm so upset." Brian said worried for his friend. Though Jess is weird still they're in constant chat and have made good bond.

"Don't panic. You need sleep. Otherwise, these eye bags are going to eat you alive when you step out of house." Kris said calming him.

"Let's have a drink before retiring to bed." Blake said entering the gloomy room.

"What happened? Are we missing something?" Jimmy asked on behalf of Blake and himself.

"Jess is under arrest for drugs." Nick said.

"The one with irritating voice." Jimmy asked earning a glare from Brian.

"Yeah, the one who's bald." Blake said while bringing the beer box from kitchen.

When he saw everyone was looking at him, he asked innocently, "Isn't he bald?"

"Can't believe these guys." Brain said shaking his head, so done with them.

"Okay leave Jess, it's not like we can do anything. Its common thing these days in town. He'll be out by tomorrow. Their company is very efficient." Jimmy said assuring his overthinker eldest.

"I wish, but it's so weird out there, why its so messy? Listen me carefully, no one of you is allowed even get in touch with anyone new. No hangouts without bodyguards and always inform me before stepping out of house. I'll be monitoring your moments from now. Though I believe you but not the people around. Understood?" said Kris already in his leader mode.

"Why is everything so silent?" Peter entered the room while holding Bam's leash with rest of dogs following him obediently.





Everyone exclaims in joy as the real troublemakers of house are back after having food. They're the dogs they adopted in different ways.

Monie, a 7-year-old American Eskimo Dog takes his placed in lap of Kris.

Mickey and Holly march towards Blake and John respectively rubbing their faces to legs.

"Aww… now family is completed." Peter said taking place on L-shaped couch with Bam.

Mickey is white and brown Shih Tzu dog, currently 8 years old, adopted by John when he was a trainee.

Holly is 10-year-old brown Toy Poodle dog, Blake took him when he was completing his schooling while Bam is 1 year old male Doberman adopted by Peter, making him youngest but tallest of dog family.

"Let's discuss it further with beer." Jimmy said as he brings out the snacks for themselves and the dogs.

"Aww my holly is looking so cute in his white shirt." He said pinching Holly's cheeks softly.

All the dogs encircled their uncle Jimmy for treats as they jumps around.

"Let's continue in my room. I'm sleepy." Brian said as he picks the can.

"We'll crash your room if you dared to sleep so early." Peter said mischievously.

"Yeah, as if you don't daily." Brian said while rubbing his eyes.

"I'll join you all after a bath." Said Kris as he took Monie along to his room at the east side of house.

He throw his shorts with towel in basket and jumped in hot shower. His chiselled abs were glistering as water ran through them. After a long, hot bath, he came out dressed in silk pyjama shirt and trousers.