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Each room in villa had its own small veranda and a big longue. When Kris entered the Brian's longue, everyone was already settled, well in their unique way. The boys were crumpled on one sofa, though there were two other large ones available and the pets on the warm blankets below.

Brian with a scowl was sitting at the single douche bag at right of sofa with a small red bump on forehead. It was evident he couldn't find any place left on his favourite sofa.


A few moments before Kris entered,

Brian was out of washroom after doing his night routine. Ready to lay down on his favourite sofa. It was as large as a bed with a cup holder at the left a heaven for lazy people. As soon as he jumped on sofa from behind the backrest, Peter entered the room and jumped at same time to beat him causing a big collision of heads.

"AHHH….fkk" Both of them exclaimed simultaneously rubbing clutching the head in his hands.

"Can't you see I was about to lay there." Brian scolded as he stood up from sofa.

"And fyi, I was about to do same." Peter said with fire in eyes.

"Actually, you both shouldn't have jumped and take seat like a gentleman." Jimmy said as he removed slippers and joined Peter on sofa slowly.

Peter was about to refute when Nick entered the longue with their dogs in tow laughing loudly.

"Look Tan, this is what we call head on collision." Nick said cradling Tan in arms.

Tan tilts his head, 'These humans…urgh… save me.'

Other pets nodded as if saying, 'It's difficult to be only sane ones in room.'

Soon John and Blake entered with a food cart and took seat at the end of sofa.

Brian at back, 'Where will I rest now?'

"Hey that's my favourite sofa, leave it. There are two over there too." Brian said in aggrieved tone.

"Chill dude, you can take that beanie over there." Blake calmly pointed over the bean bag at the end of room.

"I hate you guys. I'm the oldest one here." Brian sulked as he finally walks over the bean bag.


Back to present,

Kris already got hint of what happened here before and chuckled.

"That's not funny you m*rons." Brian said to everyone in room as he took an aggressive sip of cold beer, pressing the ice pack to his head.

"You should've watch over before jumping." Said Peter enjoying irritating his older brother.

"Don't tell me its an age problem." Nick gasped pressing Brian's sore spot. He's gonna be 29 in few months after all.

"Even trainer is complaining of his stiff body." Jimmy said while sipping cold beer eyeing the angry oldest.

Kris shook his head and lay his tired body on the 3-seater sofa totally unoccupied.

"Yeah, I'm getting old but its irrespective of what happened earlier." Brian said.

"And getting hotter. Brother I really envy your wide shoulders. Its really painful to do shoulder workout but you don't even need it." John said admiring Brian's natural 48 cm wide shoulders.

"Oh yeah." Brian said as he flex his muscles.

"The oldest is so easy to calm down." Blake said as he sip his beer.

After few hours and twenty cans of beer, each them were in their own worlds. Obviously drunk.

"Night is so beautiful. I wish to have someone in arms right now…. ahh…I'm feeling single." Jimmy blabbered of his dream romance. Encircling his arm around Nick he said, "Where is my girlfriend…. I want to date not drink here with you guys."

"How many times I've told you not to drink beer as if its water." Nick said detangling himself from him.

Peter brought his guitar playing some melody and singing whatever in his mind. Brian was humming aloud while Blake and John were busy having a drinking competition of own kind with Kris as referee.

"Gulp…gulp…over. Rock paper scissors. You lost. Drink next one." Blake said totally out of his sophisticated and caring nature and was half sprawled on ground.

"No more. You won't be able to wake up tomorrow." Kris said so done of them.


Suddenly, John and Blake hit the head on floor together and soon soft snores followed.

"Two out." Kris said as he too went to dreamland on the same sofa he was sitting.