WebNovelHis Woman66.67%

A New Beginning


The sound of alarm break Amanda's sleep. She opens her doe eyes in annoyance and turn to stare the ceiling. After few moments of collecting herself, she sits on bed.

Stretching her limbs, she let out an unladylike yawn and get off the bed.

Even after few hours of sleep, her mind seems to have lost peace. In sleep, she dreamed of the day she broke up with Kris. The day still haunts her.

His tears, the screams are one of her biggest nightmares. She knew he was wronged. She never gave him any explanation and left just like that, but it was necessary. Disappearance of her mother, the strange notes she got, her father's insistence messed up her brain.

She never wanted to hurt him. Because she knew, he would've been more hurt if was dragged in mess her family was in. She knew that Kris would have left his dreams, ambitions and band he worked so hard for, for her in a heartbeat and follow her to DC.

"Sigh. How am I going to face him?" She questions her reflection in the mirror.

Her inner demons were screaming for her to leave the trashy life and run away to a deserted island.

"Doesn't seems to be a bad idea though." She pats her face with towel as her head was working overtime.

"No, I can't. I can't leave dad alone." She is determined to help him out of problem too.

With these thoughts, she exits the secret room and takes seat on her desk which was now empty.

"I just won't run into him. He can be avoided. Not a big deal." Amanda was busy in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Mia, who was standing before the sofa, sorting out a small suitacse.

"Ahh…Who's here?" Mia with her back towards the desk got startled at sudden noise of muttering.

"Wait. What?" Mia turns slowly only to see her boss lost in thoughts and scribbling on notepad.

"Are you okay mam? I think you need some medical help. Should I call doc? Or can you accompany me there?" Mia asked, worried for her boss.

'First it was nosebleed, now she's in trance. My boss was working so hard that her health suffered. I failed as an assistant.'

Amanda looks up only to find Mia who was on verge of crying.

"Sorry to worry you Mia but it's alright. I can manage. Are you done with packing ?" Amanda asks.

"Yes mam it's almost there. I was just sorting out some documents. But please don't be so hard on yourself. If you need something, I can help." Mia asks Amanda.

"Its okay dear. Thanks for asking. How much time is left for departure?"

Mia nodded and replies, "We still have 2 hours to leave for airport."

"Okay. Help me cross checking all the stuff while I'll bid goodbye to old men. I bet they're all grumpy because of my departure." Amanda giggles and waved to Mia while leaving the room.

"Boss is such an angel. She definitely is goddess from above. She's even a filial daughter. May she get healthy soon." Mia prays for her boss in her heart.


"This is driving me crazy." Amanda mumbled as she ruffles her hair.

She was on her way towards the top floor of building. Inside elevator, her thoughts went back to Kris and her breakup. How is she going to neglect him? Can she still run away? He must hate her to the core now.


The sound of elevator broke her river of thoughts as she made her way towards the office/penthouse of her father.