WebNovelHis Woman70.00%


"Dad." Amanda receives a call from Mr. Collins as she stepped out of elevator.

"Amy!" Amanda heard the muffed voice from other side.

'He's getting emotional.' She shook her head and was about to tell him that she's nearby when he said, "Are you done with packing?"

"Yes...I" Amanda again tries to tell him.

"Have a safe flight." Alexander said and cut the call.

Amanda was used to his behaviour. Their relationship has always been rocky. Sweet and caring in front of others, but the reality was far too different. They were practically strangers sharing same blood.

Sometimes, she feels as if he cares for her more than anything in this world and other times, he doesn't even bother to tell his well being for months. If not for Mr. Cho, their relationship would've been wrecked long ago.

When Amanda was teenager, he travelled for months, while she used to live with her mother. That was when she grew up, she began to understand that he was busy working for his newly built company. He had to travel with artists because it was not possible for them to afford a manager or assistant.

But, after he brought her along when her mother went missing, the left-over affection fades off. This was when the sudden loneliness ate her up.

She was emotionally vulnerable at that time but her father still couldn't take few hours for her. He left her all alone in luxurious apartment. Though, it was extravagant than her old house, but there was no one to share her pain.

It took her longer than expected, to heal herself, after that she restarted her studies.

A lot changed when she joined college. No friends, no music, which she was so devoted to, opted law instead and started studies as a completely different person.

Amanda hid her identity behind large glasses and baggy clothes. Two reasons, she wanted to hide herself from Kris and other, not to be recognised as daughter of her dad.

The incident took heavy troll on her as she became entirely different person. The cold demeanour was too different from her usual bubbly persona.

After few years, Amanda got selected for internship in other companies. This was when, her father asked for her help for first time in life. Mr. Cho told her that Alexander is having some health issues and want help in company. Her heart leapt in joy that at least now he wants to acknowledge her hard work. She felt it was time to reject his care.

'I grew up good even without his help'

But the pale face and white hair of her father broke her resolve and she decided to join the company. Since then, she's working hard to beg for little recognition from her dad.


"What are you doing here cupcake."

The gentle voice of someone breaks her trail of memories.

"Oh Mr. Cho! How's your old bones doing?" Amanda Mr. Cho

Shaking his head, he takes a seat in front of her. They were currently in the longue in front of Chairman's office.

"You punk! I'm still young and have strength of hundred horses. Not to mention the mature charm which attract loads of female attention." Mr. Cho said as he adjusts his coat and cross legs.

Amanda gave a bored eye to his 'mature charm' and scoffed.

'These old hags…. aishh'

"Judging from your expressions, you just called me old. You little hooligan...!" Mr. Cho said in aggrieved tone.

"Calm down, Mr. Cho.. its not good to be angry at this age. Bad for your body." Amanda comments with a smirk on her face.

"You are exactly like you dad…. always bully me. One does with loads of work, other with her sarcasm. Save me." Mr. Cho whines making Amanda giggle.

Mr. Cho joins her laughter as his mission of the day to make her smile was over. It damps his mood whenever she has that distant look on her face.

After some time, he asks, "All set to flow away from me?"

"Yes, a little bit of paperwork Mia needs to take care of, the I'll have to leave for airport." Amanda once again giggled at his grumpily mood.

"Have some mercy on poor Mia. You always bully her with so much work." Mr. Cho feels pain of that poor assistant who walk around worshipping Amanda like goddess and work till midnight because her workaholic boss.

"Ask her yourself. I told her many times to not to overdo, but she never listens."

Mia sneezed in office, "Someone is talking about me again."

She turns to give a hard stare to the group of her assistants behind who shudders because of sudden drop of temperature.