6. His Cold Woman 


Have you ever thought about it?

Think about it. When did you last feel happy, very happy? And you find it hard to recall your happiest moment. Was it yesterday? The day before yesterday? Last week? When she was around? When the first you made great decision? When you choose to let things go? Or perhaps you just felt happy.


He smiled once again. Looking at the woman in front of him again, imitating her style how she scooped her food on the plate which could not be categorized a beautiful way, but it was quite amusing to watch.

"Hendra, I want to go out for some fresh air for a minute," Aruna asked her husband's permission after she ate up all food on her plate.

"Can I come along?" He did not allow his wife to clean up the pantry table. He stood up quickly and took the dishes from his wife and took it in the sink.

"You have some work to do. Why don't you finish that work first?" she tried to pull a smile. It was not a success

"I want to talk a walk with you," Hendra said further.

"It won't take long, just want to have some fresh air

"It is quite hot right now, my love," Hendra did not like it to let her go out alone. It was almost ten in the morning. She took late breakfast.

"It is not yet midday. I will enjoy the weather," She insisted.

"Alright. Just don't be too long. I am waiting for you, remember?" Mahendra waited for her to nod. She did it faintly.

Not more than three steps the daughter of Lesmana walked, she suddenly stopped, turned back and looked at Hendra. "Is our wedding ring unimportant? You don't wear it anymore," She asked a thing he used to put around his ring finger. Even in his last day of the court at their divorce process, he was still having it.

"Oh , I took it off. You don't have it with you either, do you?" She pulled her necklace out and showed a ring that was hanging there. Hendra smiled happily to see that.

"Good… I will put it on again tomorrow," The words took her walked out of that mansion.


[Oma.. can I ask some help?]

[What can I do for you, beautiful?]

[Em.. .Hendra, he starts behaving again]

[Troubling you?]

[More than anyone else? I have ordered some beautiful concept for a party. He disagreed and asked me to change it totally]

[Hehe, be patient, okay? Do you forget that he is always like that? Hmm…wait! Is it not good to see him involved instead of keeping silent?]

Even without voice call, Oma Sukma knew that the woman on the other edge was smiling happily. Finally, the man who never gave any comments on their one side plan and never cared for the promotion party as the President of Director which would be inserted with the engagement and the second marriage, suddenly he gave comments.

[Should I listen to his request, Oma?]

[We will talk about it tonight at dinner time. Invite all family to come to our dinner, and make sure Hendra comes for dinner at the main house today]

[Thank you, Oma] faintly Oma heard excitement in the voice of that woman.

_Where is Hendra?_ She grumbled to herself.

"Why hasn't he come back since yesterday?" Herry has not, either. Why is it so hard to get information from him? Doesn't he realize that I will be in charge for them all?!" the woman with big round eyes was still in the working room of CEO Wenceslas Group.

She looked at the tidy table in front of her. Then, her eyes were struck on a picture in a frame. The picture of a woman in simple outfit, a colorless T-shirt and bright color outer shirt was posted on the side end of the table.

She picked it up, looking at it with her so intimidating gaze. Of course that picture could not do the same.

Nana wanted to throw it away in the rubbish bin. But before doing so, she moved her hand to her hair while holding it like a pony tail like the woman in that picture.

"Just go away and never come back. You are really a trouble!" Nana really threw it away from Hendra's table to a basket in not far from the table.

_Why do you always stay in his heart? After Hendra spare his heart for me, you will have no chance to stay there anymore. No one can take my old position from me again. I will never allow it_ Nana walked slowly and with full of determination.


The table in front of the CEO Wenceslas Group was full of files he had inspected one by one. Once in a while he checked his mobile phone to check the digital clock on that screen.

It had been an hour his wife went out of the mansion and had no signs she would come back. He had called her mobile several times but unfortunately her cell phone was ringing on his ears. It means she did not take it along with her. It just lay somewhere around.

Hendra put files he had examined in order.

Right after all the files were piled into one, he just knew there was another one lay on the sofa. That blue eyed man knew that one had not been examined yet. He tried to remember when he shifted that one on the sofa.

His heart felt uncertain when the first page was opened. Why did Herry bring this proposal here? It is unimportant file, isn't it?

A proposal?! His level expression concluded that Herry brought anything had prepared for him by Nana. Again, Herry had not yet been able to understand his request and his instructions.

Right on a certain page, he could see the design of the rings.

The blue eyed man stared at that page in startled. His mind wandered trying to remember his wife questions about the ring. Why did she ask that? There was dot of water drop on that page. He was a man who cared for details and was trying to get full comprehension from the puzzles sent by his wife.

He threw that proposal file as he realized what had happened. He hurriedly ran out of the mansion, ran here and there looking for where Aruna might be. _Where is she?_

"Arrrhhh!!" he screamed, cursed his own stupidity, kept walking with long paces and eyes were alerted for the figure he desperately looked for. He had run around almost half of that sky scraper where elite settlements were located.

He took a breath of relieved when he saw Aruna was sitting on a bench of a park, she was facing the view of the sky of the cosmopolitan city. The park itself was not far from the curb wall of the building.

Hendra's footsteps were calm and slow toward that woman. Suddenly, she got up when she realized of his coming.

She walked, toward the edges of the building's curb. The curb itself was quite high for her height.

Her hair fluttered in the wind. She left the mansion with her hair loose. Suddenly he lost his confidence to the lowest when he wanted to reach the woman who was silent in front of him.

For Hendra, Aruna's silence was so much frightening, when she acted nothing toward a problem and tended not to say anything about it.

Hendra encouraged himself to reach her, touched her and stroked her fluttering hair. "Why do stay out for so long? You said it would not be long," Hendra broke the ice.

She smiled, a bitter smile. "I don't bring a watch so I don't know the time."

"Your eyes are red. What happened?" He asked further to see what her answer would be.

"It is so much wind here, causing my eyes a bit irritated,"

Hendra felt a pierce in his heart having heard her replies. Aruna did not change a lot. This cold woman was very good in hiding her own pain and misery by squeezing her own heart with her silence.

"Why don't you just say you are jealous and disappointed with me, and then you cry," She looked up to see his face. His heart was so much hurt with that look.

"Do I have right to do so?" Hendra could not reply her right away. He held her tight in his arms. He buried her head in his chest.

"More than that. You can even batter me. I prefer you to punch me, yell at me with all anger you have instead of staying mute like this," he kissed his wife hair.

"I am really sorry, I could not run anymore when my family pushed me to find your replacement," those sentences unavoidably brought tears to Aruna's eyes. She could not hold it much longer. The tears flew down her cheeks.

"Don't cry please. No one can replace you. You know that very well, don't you?" he put her his arm length to study her face. And he found that the face was wet with tear running down unbearably.

"I admitted it that I was tired of hoping and expecting you. You did not give me any clues to came back to me, not even to say 'hi" in your short messages while I kept watching you, always did it, from distance," That monolog was finally responded with a tight hug from that cold woman'

"I am so sorry," said Aruna.

"Can I ask you to cancel your engagement with Nana?"

"Give me a baby so that my grandfather will not punish me…