7. In Front Of A Mirror 

"Give me a baby so that grandpa will not punish me anymore. My family badly need a successor, you know Opa and Oma are expecting a baby, the new successor of Wenceslas. That house is in a coma without our presence. I want to lit it up again" He pulled his wife's hand. they walked back to the mansion.

There was something Aruna was not aware of. It was that Hendra was on the moon at the moment but he tried hard to secure it in his heart, even his smiles, he bit his lips so as not to emerge on his face.

Aruna did not directly agree with him because she was thinking about her incomplete study. But, Hendra's seductive and persuasive words could convince her and melt her heart so that she finally nodded her head in agreement. She agreed to have a baby for Hendra.

One of solutions to make that woman stay with him for more than two months was to make her pregnant.

He really wanted to chuckle when the words 'so that my grandpa will not punish me' worked well. As a matter of fact, it was unnecessary expression at the moment since Grandpa Wiryo was not the same person like he used to be anymore. He spent most of his life on a wheel chair and delegated all the responsibilities on his shoulders. He would not be able to punish him anymore.

As his responsibilities got bigger and higher, Hendra realized that having a successor was an urgent agenda he could not delay any longer.

And he wanted that the baby was from the woman who just took off her clothes. It was his second trial to carry on his mission.


[Herry, put all the shopping bags beside the door and leave the house. I will organize them myself]

"Hey! Come on, hurry up!" Herry yelled at that girl who was having trouble to carry heavy bags on her both hands.

"Oh gosshhh…this is too much!! Give me your hand, please?" Lily complained in her very expressive ways. She was the one who was bossy in Magic Letter, but now she was bullied by runa's bule husband! _Holy crap! He is such an ungrateful person! I would have supported Aruna with Damar, had I known he was like this_ she kept grunting to herself.

"Hufff!! So tiring. Give me a drink!" Lily put her loads down.

"Fine…let us walk to the food court," She walked and left the shopping bags lay on the floor.

"Take the shopping bags please," Herry asked.

"I am so tired. Take them yourself," she ignored the request.

"Don't you see me?" She kept walking and ignored him. "Hey! I am carrying bags three times more than yours!" and she pretended not to hear him. "Fine, no food and drink for you," Herry's voice jolted her to a stop, turned back, stomped her feet of annoyance, and picked up the shopping bags. Herry held a light smile. And they were both walking together.

"Err.. How tall are you?" asked Lily.


"Wow..," she glanced at him. "You are so tall."

"Not really, my master is 4 cm taller than me,"

"He is a mixed blood, not surprising at all," she glanced again.

"Asking someone's body weight is impolite," Lily was startled. Herry could read her mind.

"What about your age?"

"That is even worse," Herry put down his loads on a table of food court. "What would you like to drink? To eat?"

"Your body posture is good. How many times do you have exercises?" She looked at him in serious expression. That man left to order some food without Lily's agreement.

When he got back to the table to join with Lily, that girl shook her head several times. Suddenly she banged the table in front of them. "That is enough! I will not fall in love again with that bule's men anymore!"

Hery just looked at her with his odd look until their menu served on the table. Hurriedly Lily took the drink and sipped it as much as she could. "Oh my God, please get rid of me this annoying single title from me. But don't make me fall in love with a aide, body guard, whatsoever…remember Lily, they are only gifted with cool body," she kept grumbling while eating.

"Are you insulting me?" Herry heard her grumble.

"Not at all! Just a regret,"

"A regret? Have you been dumped by someone like me?"

"You know I have been dumped by Timi?"

"No…I just made a guess, from your grumble I can make clear conclusion."

"Ahhh.. you are right," she lost her enthusiasm. She put the burger back on the table.

"By the way, do you know Timi? How is he doing?" She asked again.

"Timi? No one named Timi around,"

"E-57? That is the code for someone, right?"

"Oh, that is special team, they are around me. But they will not mingle with us, that is their job descriptions."

"No..No…He has been back at the office of Wenceslas Group,"

"You simply need to say his real name before…" He looked at another direction, "Asking," he stopped and stared at a man walking beside a woman. "about…" Herry stood up.

"Lily, it is your name, right?" that girl nodded.

"Put all these shopping bags in front of the mansion door Mr. Hendra if I don't come back soon,"

"All of these?? Give me a break?!"

"I am sorry…." Herry walked fast.

"Why cannot I go inside?!" Lily yelled back at Herry.

"Ughh'," Herry walked back. He was still able to see the man on the other end walking slowly.

"It is an order of my boss,"

But so many frozen food, ice cream that needed to be stored in freezer right away," Lily loved the food much. "I believe Aruna would feel bad too,"

"Ufff', boss order is a mandate. It must be obeyed,"


"My boss is very rich.. take some whatever you want to take with you,"

"Can I? Oh okay…Aruna is good, too." She looked back at Herry. But he did not stand there anymore. He had gone somewhere.


A man was standing by the mirror in the main bathroom of the mansion. He wanted to see something on his back.

He posted his body to left side and the right side several times to get better view of scratches on his back.

"Hah! I have to cut off Aruna finger nails!" he tried to turned again. It seemed like the grips of his wife on his back gave him pain sensation now.

"Hey'," that blue eyed grinned. He took a hair drier and started drying up his hair. He fluttered it several times his soft brown hair.

After a while, he stopped, looking back at his own reflection on the mirror. His body was just wrapped with a soft towel.

He stopped that noisy hair drying machine although his hair had not yet dried completely. He rubbed the mirror which was a bit hazy and stared at himself. _Hello, have you found your happiness today?_ he was mumbling to himself.

_Yes, I have_ He smiled. A complicated question he often asked to himself since he was young.

_You are afraid of women anymore?_


He took his pajamas and put it on.

_She looked in pain today_

_yeah, but she enjoyed it, too_

He looked at the mirror again.

"Thank you for staying alive until the happiest day coming today,"

He left the mirror, and went back to the messy bed where his wife was still lying.

He wondered why he got a soothing sensation while he was tidying the mess.

When he could not spend the night with that woman, her clothes of his scents became his friend to sleep with. He remembered his craziness sleeping with Aruna clothes, and holding her sleeping gown.


King sized bed I had been tidied but the woman was still lying there and did not t open her eyes. The perfectionist was a bit impatient to wait for his wife to get up. Usually lemon tea aroma or the aroma of certain cake would spread around the room because they were appetizers for her.

But she was still sleeping. _Is it how it should be when she has reached what all the couples dream about?_ Hendra started getting impatient.

"Honey…" No reply.

Sweetheart… come on take a bath. the hot water is waiting," he kissed her on the cheek.

"Hem.." she cleared her throat.

"come on… I have cooked for you, to give you energy,"

"Hen.." she finally responded to the call.


"Will you get a doctor?"

"You are not feeling well?" he checked his wife temperature quickly..

"No…I just feel so much tired…" she complained. "My body is feeling so much aching," her eyelids fluttered to open lazily.

"I don't want to move," again she complained. "I feel like having been in a marathon, so much tired and painful," She was grumbling. "That part…so painful" She took out her little feet out of the blanket and kicked her husband back lightly. Hendra scratched his head behind his ear did not know what to do.

He grimaced and felt sorry for her.

"come on, take hot water. You will feel better. Trust me,"

"You are too much! I don't want it anymore!"

"No..dont be like that. I will reduce the frequency next time. I promise," he held his ears with his both hands crossed.

"What time is it now? In the afternoon?"

"Hee.. it is night now,"

And she kicked her husband butt harder before she fell limply.